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'AITA for stopping my classmate from winning an award after she publicly shamed me?' UPDATED

'AITA for stopping my classmate from winning an award after she publicly shamed me?' UPDATED

"AITA for purposely stopping my classmate from winning an award and subsequently making her cry?"

This issue is honestly making me frustrated. Almost everyone is saying I am in the wrong, people are talking behind my back and I genuinely don't know if what I did was correct or not. I just feel so lost. Please, please do help.

I am 17, suffered a major accident while cycling when I was 13. I have 2 really deep,long facial scars. I have been bullied really bad because of it. I am tall, ugly and intimidating as per most girls. People make fun of other people by saying things like "Why don't you just hook up with [my name]." I am honestly used to it. Those people didn't matter to me anyway.

But there is this girl I had known since middle school. Let's call her Beck I guess? I had a really, really big crush on her till a few days ago. I thought she was geniunely sweet and amazing. My family is incredibly supportive so they urged me to ask her out. I can play a guitar so I made this whole song for her. I went to the neighbouring city to get her favorite chocolate and stuff like that.

This was the first time I felt like really going and asking someone out in my life, and I felt that regardless of what I do, she shall see me for who I am and at least accept me as a friend. I was over the moon when she ended up accepting. We went to a fancy restaurant,had a fun time together and walked for 30 minutes. She was really sweet to me. The next week or so was honestly heaven.

People started noticing me, even her friends seemed friendly with me, I honestly cried everyday because I felt so fortunate to get so much love. It all broke down when a friend of hers, who was on Instagram and followed Beck, sent screenshots to me. I honestly felt betrayed and disgusted.

She had posts saying 'Fulfilled his lifelong wish by being his Valentine's", 'Making his day by finally helping him interact with my friends','he is ugly but beautiful people accept ugly people' '#uglypeoplematter' etc.

Beck's friend then explained me that she apparently wanted a good social media image and had thus asked all her friends to be kind to me and tolerate me till the first week of March, and then distance themselves from me.

She apparently wanted to win some stupid 'positive role model' award for her college application because she was lagging behind in community service.And thought playing with my feelings for a few days wouldn't hurt, and apparently since I was ugly she was the kind one to give me attention anyway.

I was in tears and honestly felt disgusted. My blood was boiling. I researched about this award, found a Facebook page about it online.I went to the authorities to confirm if her name was on the nominations list, and then had my friend's at work and family as alibi.

She is apparently crying a lot because she received a message from the committee saying her nomination was withdrawn. I am now even more ostracised in school, but honestly I have no remorse whatsoever and feel far more satisfied.

What do you think? Should he have remorse? This is what top commenters had to say:


NTA this is so messed up it’s beyond words. How did she even qualify for an award like that with this as her entry submission??? What she did to you was dehumanizing and so incredibly out of line. Everyone’s on her side because you’re surrounded by assholes at school, but I promise you, you will move past this.

OP responded:

Thank you for saying this. I honestly was confused and still am to some extent, because everyone in high school sided with her. Your trust in me geniunely matters. I just let the whole truth out, thank you for trusting me, have a nice day


NTA. She’s the ugly one here.

[deleted] said:

NTA. This was obviously a bitch move, but don't expect your peers to side with you. School will be over soon enough and you'll meet more pleasent people, I can promise you that. Things will get better buddy. I'm honestly impressed by your attitude. You seem like a chill guy.

OP responded:

My mother is a huge Mr.Roger's fan, and always told me to see his video where he says to look for the helpers at least once a week. I love watching that video too, and I try to adopt it in my everyday life. People at my work are supportive,my parents are supportive. High school is just a temporary thing.

I am optimistic that people will accept me in college. I geniunely just want to help people, it's not my intention to intimidate them. I am really sad whenever I go outside without a hood on, because people, especially small kids, are extremely judgemental and innocent at the same time.x

But every once in a while, a kind person just interacts with me and asks me how my day was. People like them make me want to not cover my face whenever they go outside because they are worth it. Kindly do be that person, that's all I can ever ask.

Edits from OP:

Edit: I am honestly really grateful for not only judging me(not in that way) but also giving me love and support. Each comment means the world to me. I am honestly crying reading some of the encouragement. No one besides my family has said these things to me. I know it might seem silly,but it geniunely means the world to me guys. From the bottom of my heart,thank you.

Edit 2: Honestly the support is geniunely overwhelming. I promise to not let you down and to continue being a good person. Thank you for the gold.Thank you all so much for the private messages you have sent me too. I honestly have gone through as many as I can and I just feel really fortunate and grateful.

I sincerely hope you all have an amazing life ahead. Thank you so so much, this has been one of the highlights of my year.

Edit 3: I am sorry for boring you with all these edits. I geniunely can't thank you guys enough. I showed my parent's these posts and they had tears of joy too. I am so thankful to each and every one of you guys, loads of love.

Eight months later, he shared this UPDATE:

I honestly can't express how grateful I am to you guys in words. I received thousands of private messages, and I genuinely cherish each and every one of them. I utilized my free time to read them all and thought that giving you guys an update would be the least I could do.

I genuinely didn't expect anything close to the response the post got, and I still can't believe my eyes whenever I look at all the support. You people are just too kind.

High school has passed. I am currently in the second month of my college.

Life is freaking fantastic. I remember being extremely anxious about how people would think I am a freak or treat me like an outcast, but I am fortunate enough to say that I have a social life, I am doing great academically and it constantly blows my mind to see people actually happy to spend time with me.

I also personally thanked the girl who was responsible for me knowing the truth. We still stay in contact and I consider her a really close friend. I can't thank her enough for what she did.

I am grateful to my parents. I remember crying in happiness when a girl gave me her number because I looked cute and I called me parents.(we have been dating for a month now. I still do cheesy romantic things, that's just a part of me. She likes it though:) ) They cheered for me, and I feel like they are really happy seeing me this way too. I am glad my happiness brings them happiness.

Most importantly, I just want to tell anyone out there that it does get better. I have been spit on, beaten and tormented by so many people, but the friends I have right now wouldn't let that happen to me in my dreams. So many people reached out to me to help, and I am available if you guys ever want to open up or feel lost. I have joined a few charitable clubs too, that really helps a lot.

So yes, I am having a beautiful day. With all my heart, I hope you guys are having a beautiful day too.

Sources: Reddit
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