So I 16f have always had a good relationship with both my parents. I always thought they seemed pretty happy too, until one day my dad confessed to my mom he had fallen in love with his secretary and went on to blame mom. He said she was boring and wasn’t fulfilling his needs like a good wife should be and a bunch of other crap. Mom was devastated and I was livid.
When I had to go to court to settle custody I immediately told the judge I wanted nothing to do with my father anymore, but I was still required to mandatory visitation at least every other weekend. I hated going to my dad’s, I hated his stupid mistress and I hated how he broke mom’s heart and doesn’t even seem to give a sh^& about it. His mistress and now wife, let’s call her Sarah, is the worst.
She constantly tries to feed me bullsh%# about my mom and even told me on one occasion that I didn’t need my mom anymore because I had her. I ended calling her a lot of names I shouldn’t have and made it clear she would never be a mother figure to me. Dad got mad and told me I had to accept my new mother and life and I blew up at him too.
When I went back home, I explained what happened to mom. She was upset that Sarah was bad mouthing her and trying to replace, but she still told me I shouldn’t have disrespected my father like that. I couldn’t give two sh$^s. To me, he’s disgusting.
Recently, my custody arrangement was modified. Since I’m 16, I’m now allowed to switch from households whenever I want. I was ecstatic, my dad not so much. He would scream at my mom over the phone everyday, claiming she’s keeping me from him, even after I’ve explained I just didn’t want to be around him or his mistress.
Due to the constant phone calls, my mom asked me to at least visit sometimes and I do, for her. Yesterday while I was at my dad’s house, Sarah sat down with me and announced she was pregnant with my half sibling. I sat there with the straightest face ever.
Which caused her to start yelling, asking why I wasn’t excited. I told her bluntly I wouldn’t be happy about that devil spawn in her belly and that they would probably end up a home wrecking b like her, this is where I think I might be the AH in this whole situation. Did I go too far?
Okay wow I didn’t expect to get this much feedback. I’ve read the majority of comments and half are saying I’m justified and the other half are saying I went too far with the devil spawn comment. I agree that I shouldn’t have brought the unborn baby into this and I did end up texting my dad this morning apologizing. I’m just upset about this whole situation but that doesn’t make it ok.
Also I feel like I haven’t given enough information about the divorce so basically my dad had to pay alimony to my mom, she kept the house because it was under her name, and basically all the assets were split. I’m an only child if that wasn’t clear before. Based on this post most of you will probably think I hate my dad but honestly I don’t think I do.
I just hate what he did and how he’s acting. I still love my dad, but not his actions. I think that makes me weak but I don’t think I could hate him. Also wanted to add I’m not opposed to having a sibling at all, just opposed to the idea of it being Sarah’s. Honestly I’ve always wanted a little brother.
Like I said before, the comment I made about the baby I acknowledged was terrible, and when the baby is born I will not be taking any anger out on it. Like many of you said, they’re innocent. Also I love kids, I just really hope the baby doesn’t learn from its mother. Omg and I just saw the comment about making the PowerPoint presentation LMAO I love you guys.
userannon720 said:
Nta. They're just looking for a free babysitter.
MCMXCIV9 said:
NTA do it more. Don't let your father get away easily.
Sugar_Lips20 said:
NTA, and your mom sounds to be such a sweet heart and level headed too. you have a choice of your own now, It's okay to be happy, you don't have to be excited and you don't even have to accept the baby, might have gone a lil too much with the baby thing, because the baby had no fault in this situation, to me it's only your dumb a#$ dad and Sarah, but if you were happy doing so? Who am I to judge?
Haunting-Nebula-1685 said:
NTA - your comments about the baby might be uncalled for since it’s not the baby’s fault its parents suck, but it’s understandable that you have nothing nice to say to your father or his wife. They have done nothing to garner your respect and continue to be disrespectful to your mother and completely out of touch and insensitive to how their actions affected you.
abab987 said:
NTA. She is a home wrecker and way overstepped with what she said to you. Just go NC with them both. Trust me it will make you much happier.
MouldyLocks492 said:
NTA. FUNNY? But not the ahole. The CURRENT WIFE stepped WAY over the line by suggesting you even CALL her mom. She's your dad's new wife and nothing more. Plus, the whole situation is just gross. This whole thing makes me so mad for you! Your feelings are SO valid!
Flaky-Signature-5212 said:
NTA. Good for you!! I never got the chance to say my peace to my bio father and I'm proud of you!