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'AITA for not telling my mom the truth about my wife's Tiffany's bracelet?'

'AITA for not telling my mom the truth about my wife's Tiffany's bracelet?'

"AITA for not telling my mom the truth about my wife's Tiffany's bracelet?"

My wife and I are staying with my mom and doing everything we can to get out. I already feel bad and don't need to be shamed for it. My mom despises my wife, like I can see the hatred in her eyes. It is a bit scary actually. She isn't too fond of me either these days.

My wife had a birthday recently and I didn't get her a gift beyond flowers. I felt bad, but our priority has to be saving right now. Her mom, however, did send a Tiffany's bracelet. It really brightened her day. However, my mom came downstairs and saw the box and just jumped to the conclusion that I had bought it, and began screaming that how dare I spend money like that while living in her house.

I tried to correct her, but I couldn't talk over her screaming. She then told her fiancé to keep us away from her and burst into tears. He went after her and they were in the room for about an hour. I did walk past at one point and hear her crying, but tbh I felt like she could cry if she wanted to jump at conclusions and scream at me like that.

Finally she came out and I told her that MIL bought the bracelet. She didn't say anything but her fiance blew up about what is wrong with me and why would I let her cry like that. Honestly, I don't feel that bad. She chose to assume something and react like a crazy person

Additional info:

This was a one time incident. My mom makes it clear she hates us living here, but she isn’t mentally ill. She isn’t a threat. She had one singular breakdown after holding in her feelings for a long time.

My wife chooses to live here. She is an active participant in our decisions and agrees this is our best opportunity

We can’t live with mil as she lives on the other side of the country.

We've been staying here for 2 months. We didn't give a timeframe for how long we'd be here. We don’t pay anything because she doesn’t want us to. It would detract from saving.

Here's what people had to say to OP:

Yeah, you and your wife need to literally live anywhere else but there. It doesn't matter if it's a s^%$#y studio apartment or efficiency, just gtfo.

Both YTA I don't understand why you stay with your mother when your MIL can afford to buy a Tiffany's bracelet? Why did you leave the box lying around? Does this seem respectful to you when your mother herself had to make sacrifices under her own roof to let you save money?

OP responded:

We didn't leave it around. We were in the kitchen and it didn't even occur to me my mom would react like that.

Wait, your job, does that mean your wife isn’t working? Is she home all day? Are you both helping around the house? Are you paying anything to the household?

OP responded:

My wife works part time and is trying to get more. We don’t pay anything as my mom just wants us to save. There really isn’t anything to help with as they have a cleaning lady and my mom doesn’t want her in common areas.

NTA your mom needs help. Wtf is wrong with her?

OP responded:

I really don't know. She is so not a crier. I mean I know she is pi&^ed we live here, but that was truly out of nowhere. They aren't a daily problem. This is probably the second time I've seen her cry in my life.

Your mother hates your wife. That is a daily problem. Why would you subject your wife to that?

OP responded:

Because she’d rather listen to her complain than live in the shelter or some slum apartment.

NTA Your mom has issues. Big ones. This has nothing to do with you. She has absolutely no self control and honestly? That reaction sounds like emotional [ ].

OP responded:

It had nothing to do with being jealous of the bracelet. It was the thought of me spending money vs putting it towards getting out.

Why are you making excuses for your mother, a grown a&^ woman. If she had an issue or concern then she should learn how to communicate and talk normally. There's no excuse for a blow up like that honestly I feel bad for your wife.

OP responded:

I'm not making excuses. I am answering a question. It doesn't really matter why she reacted that way.

Why doesn’t she like your wife? Because her reaction is very unusual.

OP responded:

She feels she controls me which isn’t fair. She thinks she’s “trashy and stupid” blames her completely for our financial issues though I’m a grown man and take accountability as well. She has always said she was beneath me and going to ruin my life. They are just polar opposite in every regard and can’t stand each other.

Wait, your job, does that mean your wife isn’t working? Is she home all day? Are you both helping around the house? Are you paying anything to the household?

OP responded:

My wife works part time and is trying to get more. We don’t pay anything as my mom just wants us to save. There really isn’t anything to help with as they have a cleaning lady and my mom doesn’t want her in common areas.

My mom's fiance who is 6’5 and all muscle talked about wanting to hurt me. I’m stuck in a room when I’m home because she becomes furious if I’m in a common area. My own mother hates me.

Do you expect us to feel bad for you? You let your wife kick her out of your wedding as if she participated in a scandal when she just kissed a single man who had history with a guest. The very same man who is now her fiancé! Egocentric much?

Of course he'd feel this way towards you! What she'd want is to be no contact. But you know what she'd likely love to hear? Your admittance that you should've never stood by your wife in that choice. You and your wife sound like abhorrent people from your comment history alone.

Sources: Reddit
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