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'AITA for telling my neighbor that his wife is cheating on him?'

'AITA for telling my neighbor that his wife is cheating on him?'

"AITA for telling my neighbor that his wife is cheating on him?"


So I (F) have lived next to this couple for a few years now. They seem like nice people, let’s call them Sarah and Mike. Mike travels for work a lot, sometimes he’s gone for days at a time, and that’s when I started noticing something strange. Lately almost every time Mike leaves, there’s this other guy that comes over to their house.

At first, I thought maybe it was a relative or a friend, but it didn’t take long before I realized something was off. I’d see him pulling up shortly after Mike leaves, staying late or sometimes even spending the night. And the way they greet each other... you can just tell. They’re not just friends, if you know what I mean.

This has been going on for months, and honestly, it’s been driving me crazy. I know it’s not my business, but I’ve been cheated on before and the thought of Mike being completely unaware that his wife’s sneaking around with another guy just made me feel sick.

I kept trying to tell myself to stay out of it. I mean, who am I to get involved, right? But every time I’d see that guy show up, I’d feel more and more guilty. It wasn’t like they were hiding it well either. Lights on, curtains wide open – they didn’t seem to care who saw.

Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't take it anymore. Mike was out of town again and, sure enough, the other guy came by. I grabbed my phone and snapped a couple of pictures of him walking into the house. I felt gross doing it, but I figured if I was going to say something, I needed proof.

When Mike got back from his trip, I caught him outside one day and told him I needed to talk. I told him what I’d been seeing and showed him the pictures. I didn’t go into too much detail, just enough so he knew what was going on. He didn’t say much, but I could tell he was in shock. He just thanked me and walked away.

A few moments later, I saw them having a huge fight in the driveway. It was really uncomfortable to watch, and now everything feels super awkward. The guy hasn’t been back, at least not that I’ve noticed, but the vibe between them is definitely off.

Now I’m feeling really conflicted. Part of me feels like I did the right thing by telling Mike, but another part of me feels like I should’ve kept my nose out of it. Their marriage was none of my business, and maybe I just made everything worse by getting involved. So, AITA for exposing my neighbor’s affair to her husband?

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


NTA! He deserves to know the truth! You did the right thing!!!

SignificanceBest4311 (OP)

Thank you ... I think this was the right think to do!


You did the right thing. I’ve been cheated on. If one of my neighbors saw something sketchy going on, every single time I went out of town, I’d want to know. Even if it ended up being something completely innocent, I’d rather know that someone has my back, then think they overstepped.


If it was a one-time thing and you weren’t sure, then you mind your business. When it’s brazen and habitual, and you’re pretty certain, then you expose them. NTA.


I think you did the right thing. Like you said the wife and her AP didn't seem to care who knew or saw them so who knows how else they were being careless. Mike could have ended up with an STD. You did him a favor.


I would want to know. NTA. People need to stop saying that someone treating another person like sh*t isn't their business. If they accept bad treatment, it's one thing (and it's not your place to tell him to leave a wife he KNOWS is cheating). It's another if they don't know they are being disrespected, and their health and entire life and lifestyle is at risk.

Since I'd want to know, I'd tell. I really hope people would tell me if they knew something. I've been in the dark about things in the past, and never forgave the people who knew what was happening and didn't tell me because it "wasn't their place to say".

SignificanceBest4311 (OP)

I agree on that .. I also would want to know if my partner is cheating on me as i don't think anybody deserves to be cheated on!


You're not in the wrong here. You did the right thing. And to be honest, I think you save this guy years of a headache and potential emotional torment if a child was involved. You're not in the wrong here, but get ready.

The moment the wife finds out that you were the one who told him she could Sue you for Deformation, even with the evidence. It's going to come back in more ways than one. Lastly, I would be prepared for when he does come back.He's going to make her leave the house, especially if it's in his name.


NTA. You did the right thing by taking the pictures and telling Mike. He deserved to know the that his wife was cheating on him. Now it is up to him to take action. Update us when the moving van arrives or the wife moves out.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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