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'AITA for telling my sister that she chose to have kids?' 'Deal with the consequences.'

'AITA for telling my sister that she chose to have kids?' 'Deal with the consequences.'


"AITA for telling my sister that she chose to have kids and now she has to deal with the consequences, and to stop complaining?"

My (24f) sister (29f) started having children right out of high school. She got pregnant at 18, and our patients and her boyfriend’s parents insisted that they get married. They now have five children. 11, 6, 3, 2,and 1. My sister and I are both close with our parents, and we have family dinners together often. I’m kind of to the point where I’m over it.

My sister has never had a job before, she has no college degree. Her husband barely makes any money. My sister complains that she can never do anything for herself, no one will watch her kids, she has no money, her body is ruined and she can’t afford corrective abdominal surgery, etc etc etc.

She is so annoying to be around, and her feral kids are annoying too. Her husband is never around either because he can’t stand her at this point. Our parents gave us the talk at 16 and access to contraceptives. They encouraged us to get an education before settling down.

My parents are pretty liberal aside from the fact that they don’t think children should be born outside of wedlock. My sister chose to have all of these kids. She could’ve gotten an abortion at 18 but she wanted a baby.

Recently at Christmas she was going on her normal woe is me rant, and I finally just told her to shut up. That I’m tired of hearing her complain all the time. She then went on a rant about how I "wouldn’t get it" because I have a degree and a good job, and my boyfriend and I don’t have any children, and I can afford to go to the gym and do whatever I want and she cant.

I told her point blank that she put herself in the position she’s in because she’s a complete moron, and no one feels sorry for her. Our brother laughed and our parents are staying out of it, but they complain about her too in secret.

She thinks I’m a complete ahole, and she’s been crying on Facebook making sad tiktoks about how "society hates mothers" and "where’s her village" and, "it’s hard when even your family doesn’t care about you." Oh, and she’s pregnant again apparently. I blocked her on socials and my plan is to ignore her but AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

lovebeinganahole said:

Well you were wrong about one thing, apparently her husband isn’t that sick of her. NTA.

NoZookeepergame9552 said:

NTA - it isn’t just about the pregnancy at 18 or even if she had choose to have a second kid close thereafter. There are many teen mothers who get an education later, or start part time work or a hobby after their kids start school.

But she waited until the first kid was in school to have a second, and then waited until she was your age to start the next 3 (soon to be 4). So this is a long series of decisions (most involving not using birth control), majority of which she made when older than you.

Senator_Bink said:

NTA. At least a few of her kids are old enough to realize she's complaining that they've ruined her life by being alive. Her constant whining isn't just annoying, it's going to damage those kids she's insisted on having.

Mean-Ambassador1711 said:

NTA, Seriously, the sister made her own decisions and unless she was forced, she can't complain about her life not being how she wanted it to be, since she did this to herself; did you tell her the truth in a harsh way? Yes, but you are not responsible for her life turning out the way it did.

Emotional-Cash5378 said:

NTA. Someone needs to tell sister that her uterus isn’t a clown car.

dart1126 said:

NTA I just don’t understand why people like this keeping having MORE kids.

TheCrystalDoll said:

NTA because you know she’s lazy and entitled. There is no tact needed for anyone with their head so far up their behind lmao

Sources: Reddit
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