This is one of the stranger things that's ever happened to me. To set the scene, I, 26, bought the house I'm living in in 2019 from this lovely older couple. I thought, as I'm sure anyone who has been in this situation might think, that the signing was gonna be the last time I ever say them, or had anything to do with their family. I was wrong.
Yesterday, I got a knock on my door. I opened it to find a young couple, probably my age, maybe a bit younger. The woman was pregnant, and looked like she was gonna pop any day. I asked who they were, and if I could help them.
The woman replied that this home used to belong to her parents, and that she was born in this house. I asked again what it was that they wanted, since that didn't really tell me if they needed anything from me. She told me that her mother had also been born here, in the upstairs bedroom.
For context, this is now my bedroom. She then asked if I wouldn't mind letting her bring the stuff that was needed to give birth in the same spot as she and her mother were both born in. I said no, keeping in mind that A; this isn't her or her parent's house anymore, and B; that the bedroom in question is my bedroom.
Now, I thought that this was as normal as a response as was possible given the strange question, but when I was telling my friends about this afternoon, one of the girls in the friend group said that it was pretty cruel of me to tell a pregnant woman where she can and can't give birth.
I didn't think that what I had said was all that strange, considering I had never met the couple before, and I don't exactly want a strange woman giving birth where I sleep, but my friend insists that I could have come to some sort of arrangement. So here I am, asking yous guys. AITA?
Your friend is an idiot. You did not tell her where she can give birth, you told a complete stranger that she can't give birth in your house in your bedroom. NTA.
NTA in any way, giving birth in someone's home, without medical assistance whatsoever, wtf, I think you the only sane person in this entire situation.
I don’t think the advisability of home birth was the question. The question was, should OP let a stranger deliver a baby in her bedroom in the house SHE OWNS? It’s not a question of home birth or not—it’s a question of whether to let a stranger conduct an activity in her home. I can’t imagine anyone saying yes to this.
Was your friend high? And the pregnant woman is delusional. NTA.
EdisKrad18 (OP)
To be (somewhat) fair, my friend was somewhat high. But she brought up the point of maybe the woman wanting a safe, familiar environment, but what with the renovations I've done, it's probably not super familiar anymore.
The only reason I am posting here is because said friend is the only one of us who has any regular interactions with pregnant people, she's a nurse at a nearby hospital, so maybe she had insight i didn't.
You absolutely can tell a pregnant woman where she can’t give birth since where she wants to is your bedroom in the home you own. I say this as a mom who has given birth to 3 kids.
Plus, what are you supposed to do? Give this couple keys to your house so they can move in close to the due date? Or would they just show up at 3 am because she’s in labor? How many people would be in the house to attend the birth? How long would the mom recover at your house/in your bedroom?
How would they protect your bed, floors, bathroom, etc from her bodily fluids, excrement, and blood (lots of it)? Would it be a water birth or would the mom be giving birth on your bed or on your floor? What if something went wrong with the baby and/or the mom? Could you, as the property owner, be sued?
And why didn’t this couple buy the house from her parents? They could’ve and should’ve if it meant so much. Your nurse friend is an idiot who needs to lay off whatever she took that got her high. NTA.
Maybe afterwards she can raise her child in your house like her mother did with her? NTA.
NTA. Who does she think she is to feel entitled to give birth in a strangers house because its where her mother was born. Thats insane.
if the older couple was her parents/grandparents they could have held off selling the house unti, after the birth. I can't help thinking this is some kind of bizarre scam, possibly by a homeless couple trying to get into the house. Na what happens when you go to work. I would contact your broker, to get word to the old couple to find out if they even know this girl.
Seriously she wants to come wait in your house to wait to go into labor, give birth in your bed, possibly inviting others in to help and then how can she leave with a newborn right after delivering. No, seriously no. Any who disagrees is more than welcome to let a stranger into theii home, and them give birth on their bed.
I actually can't get over the fact that woman knocked on your door and even asked, what a bizarre thing to do. Obviously NTA, you friend is very silly.
Edit: So I would just like to add, my friend isn't an idiot. When we were having this conversation, we were... let's say having a fun time with fun substances. When I asked her about it today, she genuinely thought she'd imagined the conversation.
Obviously, she thinks it's a horrible idea for liability and health reasons, aside from it being weird. And for those concerned that she's getting high as a nurse, she's off for the next 2 weeks, she's flying home for the holidays, so we were having a little get together for those of us who are leaving for home.
And for those saying that I made this up, I wish I had an imagination that good, I'd start writing if I did. I couldn't have predicted or come up with something like this in a hundred years.
Edit 2: I got an email back from the previous owners, I managed to get their contact info from the realtor who sold the house, it turns out yes, they have a daughter, yes, apparently she is actually pregnant, and they have cut her off for being a bit on the crazy side.
So yeah, I asked for anything that might be helpful for getting any kind of protection order for my house, but the cops have said that unless she actually tries anything, there isn't anything they can do. So, I guess on Monday, I get to talk to someone in my county's court system to deal with this.
Well, I didn't think I'd be updating, but this got crazy. So, If you remember from the original post, the apparent daughter of the previous owners of my house came to my door a little bit ago and asked if she could give birth in my bedroom. Honestly, it's as crazy as it sounds. Reading my original post won't make it make much more sense.
A couple of things before I get into it. Some friend shave shown me that the post has indeed broke reddit containment, and pointed a few things out to me. So I'm gonna set a few things straight. Most other websites assume I'm a woman. I am NB, and will not elaborate further on that point. Not being snippy about it, but I just wanted to set the record straight (lol) on that point.
Second thing, some people have assumed this was fake based and that I probably made up the scenario because they think I think it's hot. No, I don't, I think the entire scenario is creepy and off putting. And lastly, yes, I know that 21 is pretty young to be buying a house, and made the whole thing seem fake.
I live in the Midwest, which is pretty cheap to begin with, it's not a huge house, and I got a small claim after an incident at work, so I used the money from that for my future. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what I say, I know some people will still assume I've made the whole thing up, or used chatgpt to make it, but that said, if you don't think this is real, just move on with your day. I truly wish it wasn't real.
Last note, there were a couple of people asking why I got the cops involved with the original incident, and I only got them involved when the original homeowners told me that the woman was a bit on the loose screw side of things, so I did that because when you are told that the person who came to your door might a bit a bit unhinged, you take that step for your own peace of mind.
ANYway, last week Friday, at about 1:30, I get a knock/heavy pounding at my door. I go and answer, wondering just who the hell would be visiting me in the middle of the night, when I see a familiar face at the door. It's the pregnant woman, with her husband/boyfriend/partner, I don't know what, and two women, who I assume are midwives.
From what I gather, the woman went into labor earlier that day, and is hoping I changed my mind. I haven't and ask them all to leave.
The woman starts having either a breakdown, or a contraction or something, because she just starts screaming on my driveway. One of the other women in the group explains to me that they drove FOUR HOURS to get here, and if I wouldn't mind letting them set up?
She tells me that the woman had told them that she had arranged for the house, and that she was nearly ready to push. From what I understood, the woman had lied to her midwife about me agreeing to this, and had essentially tried to trick her into forcing me into letting this happen in my house.
I tell her a firm no, and that if needed, there's a hospital only 5 minutes away from where I live, (The same hospital my friend works at from my original post. No, she wasn't be there, she was on vacation at the time,) and ask them all to leave.
The woman starts screaming and crying about how I'm ruining this for her, but between me closing and locking the door, her partner, and her midwives, she gets back into their van and drive off.
I don't know if this was a guilt trip, or if they were delusional or what, but here's the thing about me. I am an absolute pushover. I probably would have just pretended to be asleep and not even open the door and waited them out.
But here's the thing. I had a (different) friend, her wife and their highly autistic child spending the night on their way back home after the holidays, (I'm cheaper than a hotel, lol.) All the noise and commotion, plus the unexpected midnight visitor severely triggered the kid, and it took nearly 2 hours to calm her back down enough to get her to sleep.
She's a good kid, and means the world to my friends, so having someone else who would have been SEVERELY affected by this, I managed to find a bit of my spine, which is why I wound up opening up the door to ask them to leave.
Honestly, I shouldn't have even opened the door and just called the cops first thing, but the good news is that after a couple of minutes talking to the midwife, she agreed to take the whole show elsewhere. After they all left, I did call the police on the non-emergency line, and update them on what was going on, and gave them the footage of the previous incident and the latest video I have the incident.
I'm really hoping that now she's given birth, that she'll leave me alone. Either way, in addition to my ring camera, I've asked my neighbor to keep an eye out, and call me if anything happens while I'm at work. I also got deadbolts to install for all of my exterior doors.
I changed the locks when I bought the house, which honestly seemed to have been a good idea, but this is just to make me feel a bit better about the whole thing.
Wow, you didn’t even offer her to record it and cut the umbilical cord?! Insane…
ah , nothing says ‘birth plan’ like ambushing a homeowner in the dead of night with a DIY delivery squad. clearly, you were just one inflatable pool away from becoming the midwest’s most reluctant birthing center. honestly , the nerve of you to ruin her magical experience by , you know , wanting to not host a surprise labor party in your living room.
next time , you should really think ahead and install a ‘no deliveries—human or otherwise’ sign on your front porch. how dare you value your sleep , your friends’ peace , and your general sanity over her pinterest-worthy home birth fantasy ?!
$5 says Crazy Daughter will be back asking for her child to spend time in her childhood home.