So, I (32F) have lived in my neighborhood for a few years now. It’s a nice, quiet area well, quiet until the kids go outside to play, which, you know, is just what kids do. My own sons and a bunch of other kids from the street love riding their bikes, playing tag, kicking a soccer ball around, whatever. Just normal kid stuff.
But my neighbor let’s just call her Karen because, well, you’ll see hates it. She’s called the cops on them four times in the past couple months because they’re "too loud." And we’re not talking like, screaming at the top of their lungs at midnight. This is just kids laughing, talking, playing like kids have done forever. It’s not a retirement community, it’s just a normal suburban street.
Anyway, last night was the final straw.
The kids were outside riding bikes, and yeah, they were laughing and kicking the ball but that’s it. Next thing I know, a cop car rolls up. Again. And I just knew it was her. Sure enough, I see her peeking through her damn blinds.
So, I walk up to the officer and straight up ask, "What’s the problem this time?" He kind of sighs and says they got another noise complaint. And I just lost it.
I turned to Karen, who had finally come outside, all smug like she was doing the neighborhood some big favor, and I told her probably louder than necessary that she needs to stop wasting police time just because she doesn’t like the sound of kids being happy. I said something like, “If the sound of kids playing outside bothers you this much, maybe the problem is you, not them.”
She immediately starts yelling back about how she has a right to “peace and quiet” and how “not everyone wants to hear a bunch of kids screaming all day.” I shot back with, “Well, not everyone wants a miserable neighbor who calls the cops over some damn laughter.”
At that point, she storms back inside, slams her door, and now she’s apparently telling people she “feels unsafe” because I “verbally attacked” her. A couple neighbors told me I should’ve handled it differently, but most are on my side, saying someone needed to put her in her place.
So, AITA for snapping at her? Or should I have just ignored it and let her keep pulling this nonsense?
NTA. Next time tell the cop you feel harassed and unsafe with the constant false reports. In some places, this is actually a misdemeanor for false reports/misuse of emergency resources
I would start having neighborhood cookouts in your front yard. Oh and invite everyone but her. Shoot, I would invite the cops too. Let them know you got some free food to thank them for their service/apology for Karen being the neighborhood nark.
NTA! They are kids playing outside of course they make noise and that is absolute ok better playing outside than sitting home playing video games! She is the AH!
TrickPut9765 OP:
Your are absolute right! They never do anything crazy they are kids playing outside and making some noise that's what kids do! I just don't understand here why she is doing that , she is also just wasting everyone's time as the police never does anything to the kids they just come and leave they don't even get out of the car anymore
Karen needs to move to a senior’s village. No kids playing there. All the peace she could ask for.
NTA I'm surprised the cops are still taking her complains if this happens so often that even the officers are tired of them Also it's ironic that she complains so much about kids laughing being too loud and immediately start screaming the second someone calls her out for her behavior
TrickPut9765 OP
I think by law they are required to attend every complain, they just come around see the kids playing outside and drive of it's just wasted time for them. I have no idea why she does that tbh
Over a certain decibel can be called in, in most areas. Kids bring kids doesn’t usually meet that requirement. Around here, some day parties are so loud the walls shake. Fortunately not on my street. And I have seen cops make them lower the noise. If they don’t, the party gets broken up. But they only care about kids if they are on someone’s property or causing harm to property, like kicking balls into cars.
I don’t have kids, I don’t want kids, my name actually is Karen, and I love hearing the neighbor kids laughing outside