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'AITA for telling off a lady in the supermarket for making a teenage cashier cry?'

'AITA for telling off a lady in the supermarket for making a teenage cashier cry?'


"AITA for telling off a lady in the supermarket for making a teenage cashier cry?"

So, this happened yesterday, and I’m still wondering if I overreacted. I (35F) was doing my usual weekly grocery shopping at a local supermarket. It was a busy afternoon, and the line at the checkout was pretty long.

I was waiting patiently when I noticed the woman in front of me (probably mid-50s) becoming increasingly agitated as the teenage cashier, who couldn’t have been older than 17 was scanning her items.

The cashier seemed a bit flustered. I could tell she was probably new, making a few mistakes here and there, but nothing serious. The older woman, however, was not having it. She started muttering under her breath, rolling her eyes, and tapping her foot. Finally, when the cashier accidentally scanned an item twice and needed to call for a supervisor to void it, the woman lost it.

She started berating the poor girl, saying things like, "How hard can it be to do this job? You can't even do basic tasks, You're wasting people's time." She just kept going on and on, and the more she yelled, the more flustered the cashier got until she started tearing up.

I stood there for a second, hoping the lady would cool down, but she didn’t. The poor cashier was clearly trying her best to keep it together. That’s when I stepped in.

I said to her, “You don’t have the right to treat someone like that. She’s doing her best, and it’s just a mistake. If you’re so unhappy, maybe you should try working like her for a day and see how easy it is.”

The woman looked stunned and told me to mind my own business. I replied, “It is my business when you’re making a kid cry over something as stupid as groceries.” The cashier’s supervisor had arrived by then and stepped in to handle the situation, and the woman stormed off still muttering and cursing.

After she left, the cashier thanked me with teary eyes, but a couple of people behind me in line gave me looks like I was the one who had done something wrong. Now I’m second-guessing myself. So, AITA for telling her off?

Here's what people had to say to OP:

NTA. F that miserable b.

From The Mist (2007). "Shut up you miserable old buzzard!"

Also f the dirty look giving a^%bu$ts behind OP in line. They were probably thinking of tearing the cashier apart as well (only reason I can think they'd give OP the stink eye).

Thank you for standing up for her 🩷 I've done that job and some customers are so miserable. I'm sure she will remember you forever.

We all need to step in where we feel it's safe to do so, otherwise the joyless think their behaviour is acceptable. I would have said something.

NTA. Karens keep being Karens because nobody stands up to them. Good for you.

You did the right thing. Those people looking at you funny are probably ashamed of themselves for not speaking up.. A little kindness goes a long way, and the cashier will remember you for it. Kudos to you for having their back. 👏👏👏👏👏

What would you have done?

Sources: Reddit
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