I got TSA Precheck. I got it because I travel a lot for work (tech sales). I'm take on average 15+ trips a year. I hate taking my belt off at the lines and hassles of removing shoes. So I paid the $77 or so and got TSA precheck. It makes flying easier. Now, in 2 months, my wife, kids and I are flying for a family wedding.
The kids were talking about it at dinner tonight. My daughter being dramatic said "the lines are sooooo long at the airport". I said "not for me, I got TSA Pre Check". My wife said "you're not going to wait in the long lines with us". I said "OK, in this case I will" But would I be an a%^%$ole if I didn't and used my TSA PreCheck? I 99% probably won't. But wondering the consensus here.
Only an a^&%$le would ask this question.
Why not get them all precheck? Maybe it won't come in time but it's worth checking.
Freaky-Freddy OP:
They rarely fly and it's $77 per person. That adds up.
I promise you the cost of the argument you would have if going through separately would be more than $77/person
YTA because you have to listen to strangers on the internet before you consider your wife’s comfort and convenience and travel together as a family. What were your wedding vows like? “To love and to cherish, but only if enough people online persuade me”?
So you want your wife to deal with 2 kids, so you don't need to take your belt and shoes off? Wear joggers and go buy a pair of Sketchers slip-on shoes. You are a giant AH. And a dumb%^$.
Freaky-Freddy OP:
3 kids. My kids are easy. Not toddlers. They travel well.
So wear pants that fit and be nicer to your wife and kids before all you have left is TSA Precheck. Yeesh.
Freaky-Freddy OP:
I need baggy loose pants. I don't wear tight pants. I'm old and need breathing room
EDIT:: UPDATE::: Clearly this is an asshole move. I'll get TSA Precheck for my wife and apparently kids are free if with parents.