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Dad with repair shop 'humiliates' daughter by vlogging about the time she crashed his sports car. AITA?

Dad with repair shop 'humiliates' daughter by vlogging about the time she crashed his sports car. AITA?

"AITA for vlogging about how my daughter took my car on a joy ride and crashed it?"

I own a car repair shop that is doing quite well and I have a youtube channel where I regularly post about fixes and different projects. In a recent video I made where I was giving advice on reliable cars to buy, I mentioned as a hypothetical example something to the sort of "you need a car for your teenage daughter."

My daughter saw this and got upset at me for saying that and called me sexist and said I should have just said child. However I just said what came to my mind. She then went on a long rant about something else that happened 4 years ago and called me a jerk for vlogging about it.

4 years ago, I had bought an older sports car (nothing fancy just a Honda prelude) and while me and my wife went out to get some food, she took it on a joy ride without my permission and crashed it. The car was totaled and she ended up off road and hit the back on a pole. I was very upset but luckily she was ok.

I vlogged about the incident and showed the damage to the car on my channel and mentioned that my daughter crashed it, and in the video mentioned that she is not a very good driver. My intent was just content for my channel.

However she did not want me to do this and claimed it was humiliating. I never mentioned her by name and only people who know us and watch the channel could figure it out. She does still get teased about it but only from family and friends, and it will not really harm her in say job interviews and stuff. Was I the AH for doing this?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

0biterdicta said:

YTA. Kids and their mistakes are not content for you, or anyone else, to profit off of.

DiscardedFruitScraps said:

YTA stop using your kids for content.

Bethsmom05 said:

YTA. It was wrong to post family business online like that. You have a parental obligation to protect your child 's privacy no matter how much they screw up.

throwaway-rayray said:

ESH - She sucks for joyriding. OP sucks for putting it on social media, where it will be forever, against her wishes. Not to mention sexist commentary about car choice for teenagers based on gender.

VioletFlirtFlame said:

YTA. You should have checked in with her before embarrassing her like that for "content."

Syric13 said:

YTA. You put a private family matter on social media in order to get reactions. Would your content be any different if you change the story from "my daughter" to "a friend's kid". You own a company. Do you put your shop in the videos? The name of it? The location? People can find out. People can dox your daughter.

You never know what might go viral. You never know what kind of harassment people may endure because of this. Especially women when it comes to things that are male dominated (cars, sports, etc).

Nekomidori said:

YTA. Your channel consists of tutorials for fixes, yes? Simply show the damage and explain the fix, no need to air someone else's laundry.

Sources: Reddit
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