It feels ridiculous to ask about this, but I'm starting to think I'm missing some key bit of information here. I guess I'm asking that if I am, why? Because it wasn't my intention, and I certainly would like to prevent it from happening again.
This Friday my wife and I had reservations at her favorite restaurant, because her birthday is right around the corner, we have a party planned, but this was supposed to be our night together alone.
The way the reservation was set up, I would come home from work, change and immediately drive there as it's around an hour and a half by car (Yes, we live in hick country, yes I am a hick, and no we aren't moving that I've been made aware of, lol)
The day had gone great so far, and from what I knew everything was going according to plan, I got home, and she's behind schedule getting ready- this is not something that happens for her ever, and I was surprised, but the reason wasn't her fault, and it was barely a twenty minute deviation.
However, I was just waiting by the door during that time and the dog decided he needed out, so I took him for a walk around our yard, it took maybe five minutes, and I cleaned everything up and had him put up before my wife was ready, we made it to the dinner reservation by the skin of our teeth, and that was that.
We had a great date, and I would have never known she was upset with me until the next morning, when she said that she had "never known me to be so impatient." Which confused me, and she rolled her eyes and said she "noticed" that I took the dog for a walk before we left to make her hurry, and that she just didn't want to let my bad mood ruin the night.
I had been in a great mood, and told her so, but she refused to believe it, and got pretty angry, which I haven't been able to calm her down from to even talk about all this again. I really don't understand what I've done wrong here, and I don't know what to do. AITA?
Serious-Business5048 said:
NTA, it sounds like she may really be annoyed about something else. Try talking again to see if you can get under the real issue. Did something happen at work or did she have another expectation that was not met?
peggingpinhead said:
NTA. Can you lay it out clearly for your wife that you don't understand what went wrong? Hell, maybe just show her this post. I'm assuming the anger is out of character for her, so a conversation is a good idea. Give her some time to cool down, and then come from a place of "how can we work this out together"
And _parenda_ said:
NTA. Maybe she has an undiagnosed UTI or she’s unaware that she’s pregnant and hormonal if this is not normal, then those are the first two medical options, after that she has built-up resentment over something or this is a trigger from her childhood. Either way she is either resentful about some thing or she’s projecting. Sit down, talk to her and tell her to grow the hell up and communicate.
Hello! I feel weird updating, but I have good news, and want to share somewhere, and here seems as good a place as any, right now. And, actually, I wanted to thank everyone for commenting, and the people who reached out privately with advice.
You really helped me calm down, and figure out how to approach talking about this while seeing where my wife could have been coming from. One person even called exactly what was going on, something I dismissed right away, stupidly.
So, I came home the next day and brought home pizza from her favorite spot in town, which we never get because of crowds, because I figured even if I wasn't outright wrong, there was no reason not to make the conversation nice.
So after dinner, I asked about the dog again, and after a lot of back and forth, and crying that I'll skip explaining, she explained that for the past week or so she had been feeling weirdly emotional, and she couldn't explain it.
Some people had mentioned some things here about different health stuff that could cause those sorts of symptoms, and I got pretty nervous and got her in at her Doctor's office within a couple of days.
Well, imagine our embarrassment walking out five minutes after getting in and doing a test we could have done at home, for like, twenty bucks, without including insurance companies. (She is going to talk to her therapist about meeting every week for a while, while she adjusts/deals with hormonal changes.)
We've been laughing about it now because never crossed our minds she could have been pregnant. Someone commented it, but I still didn't believe it, because I am dumb. Never mind that we're both in our twenties or that she switched birth control like two months ago, and we may or may not have had unprotected sex during the switch week.
Anyway, as stupid as we may be, we are still excited but waiting until the Twelve-week mark to tell our families. However, I've been itching to tell someone and can't wait any longer. So here's an update, haha. (Wife-approved, because it's anonymous.) Thanks again for the help, I appreciate it a lot, even if I didn't take the advice of the person who was right.
Internet commenters FTW!