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'We started eating Thanksgiving dinner without my sister.' AITA? 'We warned her.'

'We started eating Thanksgiving dinner without my sister.' AITA? 'We warned her.'

"AITA we started eating Thanksgiving dinner without my sister?"

1pm: We warn her guests will arrive at 7 and to please get ready and be out of her room.

1-7pm: We send sporadic reminders, knock on her door, remind her she has X amount of hours left, constant checking-in.

7pm-8pm: Guests arrive. She is nowhere to be seen. Everyone is busy doing something. Cooking, setting the table, socializing. Still we send reminders: People are here.

Eating soon. Dinner is almost ready. Dinner is on the table now. People are on the table now. We are eating. She is not answering or otherwise communicating with with us.

8:24pm (exact timestamp from a photo I took): We start eating.

10 mins later she comes down, pissed we started without her, nearly an hour and a half after we told her to be ready, and with constant reminders and warnings leading up to dinner.

So, are we the aholes? Mind you there were 11 people total, with two sides of the family seeing each other for the first time in years, plus a newborn baby who was mercifully asleep right when the food was coming out hot. Everything was chaotic and people were hungry.


Just because a few people were asking, she is 24.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Secret_Sister_Sarah said:

NTA. Sister is ridiculous.

Just_somebody_onhere said:

Stop enabling entitlement. This shouldn’t even be a question, she’s an entitled princess and no one should be putting up with that nonsense. NTA.

adjudicateu said:

Why are you constantly reminding her? No adult should need to be reminded that many times what time dinner is. NTA. Stop babysitting her. Tell her once ‘dinner is at X’ and then have dinner at ‘x’. If this ‘reminding’ behavior is normal, it needs to stop across all categories.

DomnikyXP said:

NTA. Your sister's an adult, she should manage her own time without constant reminders.

LakeGlen4287 said:

NTA. Sister thinks she is the queen. LOL!

Sanity-Checker said:

NTA. I know people like her. I decided it's not poor time management or irresponsibly, it's a power play. They want to make everyone wait. It makes them feel important. And when the world keeps spinning in their absence, it's an ego shock. They get upset because they are reminded that the world does NOT revolve around them.

Sources: Reddit
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