Everything in my house is turning green… At first it was just my cat, and then it became my bedsheets, my feet (which then stained my shoes and socks), my couch, my phone charger, and now my wall. I don't know what it is..
I have no idea where to post this but im wondering if anyone knows how to get rid of it or what it is?? At first I thought mold but now im thinking maybe my laundry detergent pods which are green.
But I did a test wash and dry and it didn’t stain my clothes until I wore them for a few hours around the house before it turned green. So far I’ve mopped my entire floor, gave my kitty a bath (which took out most of the green) and changed my bedsheet back to my old beige ones.
I got someone coming in to check the water and AC on tuesday but I'm at least eliminating the factor that something may have been tracked onto the floor or that my bedsheets may have caused some bleeding. I will continue to monitor my cats greenness 😂.
The OP then provided photos of her cat, pillow, blanket and wall.
I did an extreme deep clean but I couldn’t find anything. I did notice that my guest bedroom doesn’t have any staining, but most of the staining is in this bedroom which includes my charger.
But the edge of my couch cushions turned green, but I’m assuming it’s because our skin turned green and we sat on the couch. So I do suspect the source is from my room.
Nevertheless, I cleaned my floors and counters and washed my couch covers and bedsheets and replaced them all with my old ones before everything turned green to see if maybe it was my new bedsheets!
I’ve seen stories about industrial materials like copper from roofing materials turning cats green. Are your cats indoor cats or do they have access to industrial or cleaning materials that might be stored in your garage, closet or laundry room?
Or possibly just buy some new jeans from Old Navy?? lol they stain everything.
This will become important later!
mioraa (OP)
hahah me and my husband are not jean-wearers!
Imagine this is how you discover he’s having an affair with some Old Navy wearing woman, from the cat turning green!
mioraa (OP)
haha i hate to break it to you but… you were a lil right on the nose w this comment 😅
Hi! so I don’t know if this is allowed but I wanted to post an update to my original post because many many people asked for one! I honestly don’t know how to work reddit all that well on mobile and couldn’t figure out how to edit my original post. Heck I don’t even know how to link my original post properly. But here’s the update:
I had my water and AC checked and both were fine. The technician said my water hardness was a bit hard but he didn’t think that would affect the green stains I’ve been seeing. I also got rid of the red bed sheets I had in the pic and put back on my boring corporate beige ones the day I posted the original post.
Then I waited. It’s funny because I was trying to determine if the green stains were going away based on if my cat was turning green. Any time I saw she was becoming greener, I determined that whatever I changed wasn’t the cause.
Well, I got my water softened and with my new bedsheets. My cat was still turning green but a lot slower. So maybe it was just from the residual green that was now stained on my couch and velvet bed frame.
Then we had another person inspect for mold which was also a negative. Some other commenters had mentioned they had bought the same bedsheets on Amazon and had a similar problem so I think it is that.
On another note, someone also commented asking if my husband was cheating on me with someone who wears Old Navy jeans. I won’t lie, when that comment came up, I nervously laughed.
I quickly checked our joint bank account for any Old Navy purchases. While there weren’t any, I couldn’t shake this strange feeling. Although the commenter did not know me or my husband, coincidentally, I’ve already had suspicions on a possible affair from the multiple last minute overtime shifts and just overall changes in behavior.
Also, my husband has cheated before. So, I’ve always been a bit anxious.. So when I saw the comment joking about if my husband's affair partner wears Old Navy jeans, I spiraled. And then, I'll admit, I did the bad thing and looked through my husband's phone.
And there it was, some sexy Instagram DMs from a woman who wears jeans (cannot confirm if they’re Old Navy). So, anyway, I’ve spent the last week at my parents with my cat.
You didn't owe us this update at all but you posted it and I hope writing it out is a step towards healing for you, truly! It also provided entertainment to us, so there's value there too. I hope you and your kitty are never greened again!
mioraa (OP)
I’m in the process of moving back into the home but I haven’t slept there yet or brought my kitty with me. I hope that when we do move back, we can determine its the bedsheets that did it! Or maybe even the jeans that hopefully won’t ever be in contact in my home again. I can’t believe my cat turning green turned out to be this crazy story.
So did you dump him or you took a break?
mioraa (OP)
He has been served papers! i’m doing ok! I'm supposed to come back to my house this coming monday and he should be either fully or mostly moved out. everything’s been smooth so far.
He did not deny the affair nor said mean things or gaslight. He didn’t beg for another chance either. He just asked me what I wanted and I said I wanted him to go back to his parents house and we’ll talk about the legal stuff in the near future.
I feel a bit numb I suppose. I strangely feel a bit guilty for not having as much heartbreak or a betrayed feeling. Some days, I convinced myself that I had some fault in our broken marriage because maybe iIwasn’t emotionally there as well but I know that I have no responsibility for his choices.