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'AITA for not wanting my husband to sleep in the same hotel as his so called 'work wife?''

'AITA for not wanting my husband to sleep in the same hotel as his so called 'work wife?''

"AITA for not wanting my husband to sleep in the same hotel as his so called 'work wife?'"

My husband travels a lot for work and I recently found out one of his coworkers calls herself his 'work wife' my husband was the one to tell me about it telling me how he wasn't really comfortable with the name but deals with it since he doesn't want to upset her.

I won't lie hearing him say someone is calling themselves his 'work wife' really pissed me off, even though I know I can trust him it makes my blood boil knowing there's a women who's at his workplace who definitely knows he has a wife is calling themselves his 'work wife'.

My husband has to go on a trip for work and he had told me that he has to share a room with her let's just call her Jenna, I told him that I wasn't comfortable with him sleeping in the same hotel room as Jenna and he assured me that it would be fine, I trust him with my life so I let him go.

I feel like I shouldn't be jealous it's such a stupid thing to be jealous about. Am I the ahole?

Here's what the top commenters had to say:

SlippySloppyToad said:

Buried the lede a bit there, didn't you? They're not just staying in the same hotel business, they're in the same room. NTA. I doubt it would be something he'd be comfortable with you doing were the situations reversed. Frankly I'm surprised the company is allowing mixed rooms, it seems like a recipe for HR violations.

tiktokslut4 said:

Someone is lying here. There isn't a company in the civilized world that would require two coworkers of the opposite sex to share a hotel room. The exposure to sexual harassment claims alone would stop any company considering it in its tracks. NTA.

No_Scientist7086 said:

NTA - I’m not sure if any spouses would be comfortable with this.

Pennelle2016 said:

He’s lying to you. Both my husband & I have been on work trips and have never had to share a room with anyone. A work friend & I decided to share a 2 bedroom/2 bath suite at an extended stay hotel once for a 10 day training trip but that was 100% our idea. I’m really sorry.

aloha_trouble said:

NTA. I’ve had to go on business trips and everyone always gets their own room. I’ve never heard of anyone having to share a room with a coworker.

Dusty_Jetstream said:

Any company with an HR Department is not going to do that. There are an infinite number of ways that can turn ugly for the man, the woman, and the employer.


Thank you everyone for so much support since I'm basically finding out my husband might be cheating on me I won't be on for a while just too relax a bit before he gets back and try to process everything, I will update when I can thanks so much.

What's your advice?

Sources: Reddit
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