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Woman bans sister's kids from eating her cookies with a 'special recipe.' AITA? UPDATED

Woman bans sister's kids from eating her cookies with a 'special recipe.' AITA? UPDATED

"AITA for not letting my sister’s kids eat my special cookies?"

I (28F) have a special recipe for chocolate chip cookies that I only make once a year for myself. I put a lot of time and effort into these cookies, and it's a big deal for me to have them to myself. I usually make a batch and keep them hidden in a container in the pantry.

Last weekend, my sister (31F) and her kids (6 and 4) came over for a visit. My sister is always welcome, but her kids are very energetic and sometimes a bit too curious for my taste. While they were here, I noticed that my special cookie container was missing. I asked my sister about it, and she admitted that her kids had found the cookies and ate them all.

I was upset because I had been looking forward to those cookies for a long time. I told my sister that I was really disappointed and that I would appreciate it if she could make sure her kids don't take things that aren’t theirs. She apologized, but she also implied that I was being too uptight about it and that the kids were just being kids.

Now, I’m wondering if I was being unreasonable. Should I have just let it go, or was it fair to be upset about my special cookies being eaten without permission?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Traditional-Ad2319 said:

I think your sister is really rude for not telling her children to not touch things that aren't theirs. I would be appalled if my children went to somebody's house and ate anything without permission first.

And then for your sister not to take any responsibility for it and just say oh it's just kids being kids? No it's kids being entitled and selfish and rude and it's your sister being a bad parent by letting them get away with it.

Doing_Some_Things said:

Bruh when I was that young I had to ask my parents' permission if I could take a handful of peanut M&M's from a jar that sits on my grandma's living room table that was open for anyone in the house.

Present-Reflection84 said:

It’s bad parenting that your sister didn’t even think maybe these special cookies in the back are weed cookies. That’s what special cookies sound like to me, maybe I’m too Colorado, though. NTA.

Top_Sheepherder_6041 said:

NTA - these kids are learning not to respect other people's spaces. Difficult to make cookie recipe, expensive to make cookie recipe, cookies that have ingredients that are not kid appropriate due to the ingredients - DOES IT MATTER? They were in the pantry - why were the kids in the pantry to begin with?

Your sister needs to learn to be a better parent and set boundaries - and watch her kids! No is a complete sentence, and it sounds like these kids need to become better acquainted with it.

all_taboos_are_off said:

NTA. Entitled parents are the worst. It sounds like she didn't want to give her kids consequences or take responsibility herself. They should not be getting into your stuff!

Haunting-Idea-1696 said:

NTA, I have a 7 yr old and she has never gone routing around in people's cupboards. She asks a family member or us if she wants something. Basic manners, even with family. Are you sure your sister didn't give them the tub? How many were left in there? More than 1 per kid is pretty bad in 1 day.

Dont-Blame-Me333 said:

NTA your sister is raising entitled brats & you need to ban those thieves from ever entering your home again. I was ready to say this before you explained why the cookies are special. Now I'm angry as this makes your sister equally barbaric. Tough titties that she can't make them for her brats - she screwed her chance to learn & you don't have to make up for her chronic shortfalls in character.


I’s been a hour since my last post sorry if I wasn’t being specific those cookies I make once a year are for memories I had we my father who passed away in 2017 he made those cookies and he help me baked them when I wanted to become a baker and he helped me make a lot of things like cake,cupcakes “etc.”

But those cookies was the best one and special ones, because it was the first thing we baked together and when he passed. Every year after that I kept going to his grave with the cookies and with a photo of him put it on is grave sit their and eat the cookies like his beside me.

And for my sister her child’s where never punished for their behaviour and this happened before in one of my family members home but they instead took her sons cake and ate it before the party and now they are banned from stepping foot in their house.

Sources: Reddit
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