When this woman is furious with her sister's MIL, she asks the internet:
Long time lurker first time posting. I 41f recently found out that my sisters 38f MIL has been letting my nieces 8f and 12f scroll on her Facebook. This came to my attention the other day when my youngest niece asked me about a post I made.
For context this post was made the day after the former president was s%ot at and tensions were high. It was a screenshot of some men being extremely vile towards me. It was a completely inappropriate post for her MIL to let them read.
I went on to explain to her that it was not her business and she was too young to understand or be looking at that. I asked her if this has happened before and she said yes…usually everytime they’re there MIL specifically goes to my page to show them stuff I’ve posted.
I immediately called my sister and told her what happened and she just sighed and said she’d talk to my BIL about it. She also blamed it on my nieces for wanting to see Facebook. I lost it and told her that there was one adult that should’ve been monitoring this situation.
I told her I was going to block MIL and my BIL grandma from my Facebook bc all they do is stalk and lurk on my page She told me not to bc it would just be worse for her. I slept on it and woke up and decided to do it.
So now I’m waiting to see what happens first-my sister talking to her about this OR MIL calling my sister to pry her for info on why she can’t see my Facebook anymore. My gut is telling me it will be the latter and my sister will be furious with ME.
Her MIL has a history of being a toxic person-that story is a whole other can of worms that I can go into later. But for some reason this woman can do no wrong and my sister has thrown her own family under the bus before bc of this woman’s lies and deceit. Just looking for opinions bc I feel that I didn’t do anything wrong.
Edit to add: I realize that anyone can see my posts yall. What I did not expect was that MIL was PURPOSELY showing them MY content. They know me well and they know I’m outspoken and passionate about things.
But my main concern is them seeing politically driven posts with really hateful rhetoric involved. I want to protect them for the ugliness in this world as long as I can. AITA?
cream6b writes:
YTA- Correct children shouldn’t view it but FIX your settings so other children don’t view your page. Great that you’re political passionate! I was torn on the verdict but too many children other than your nieces aren’t supervised on the internet.
brangelinaaa writes:
YTA but not for blocking your MIL but for all the drama involved. If you post controversial things don't be surprised that people read them, let alone be mad at them for that.
The argument of wanting to protect your nieces from the evil world by not letting them read YOUR OWN POSTS sounds ridiculous. If you just blocked her it would be a N-T-A.
otherwalla7 writes:
NTA - Social Media sucks for this reason. Your poor sister. Did she know what she was getting into when she married her husband?? Regardless, you do not have to allow anyone on your FB feed that is so ignorant but remember that she has others on her FB that are probably friends with you also that can send her your feed. That woman is definitely toxic and loves it.
excle7 writes:
YTA" It was a completely inappropriate post for her MIL to let them read." ... this is ridiculous. You are posting things publicly, OF COURSE everybody is fine to look at it.
"I want to protect them for the ugliness in this world as long as I can." .--- you ,ean: You want to keep them from finding out how you really are? TOO LATE, they already know. They have seen your posts, and all of their friends and their parents have, too.
ALL your family, firends and their kids have seen your posts by now - and KNOW this is the real you.
jersye7 writes:
NTA that's so weird she's specifically showing them your posts, especially stuff she knows is not appropriate for them. I don't know the specifics, but I think, if you don't want to fully block/unfriend MIL and cause MORE problems, you can put her on a restricted list, and then she only sees things that you set to "public".
You can control what you then post under that category, and keep it fun, innocent stuff you're OK with your nieces seeing. Ideally your sister would have a backbone and stop MIL from showing them social media at all, but since that's not going to happen, you control what you can control, and that's what they see on YOUR page.