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Woman calls friend a 'creepy weirdo' after she posted a TikTok about her husband. AITA? UPDATED 5X

Woman calls friend a 'creepy weirdo' after she posted a TikTok about her husband. AITA? UPDATED 5X

"AITA for calling my friend a ‘creepy weirdo’ after she posted a TikTok about my husband?"

I (28F) am friends with this girl, let’s call her June (also 28F). Infact, my husband (32M) and I often hang out with June and her boyfriend; i.e go on double dates, have weekend trips etc. We’ve known each other for over two years. I would say that we four were pretty tight as a group, up until this weekend.

My husband is a orthodontist. One of his patients is June’s half sister, Raya (12F). June often is the one accompanying Raya to her dental appointments. June is also a small time online "influencer." She’s always recording and vlogging and stuff.

Though my husband and I have made it clear to her and we’re absolutely not okay with our faces in her vlogs online and she seemed to respect that boundary. We don’t use social media, and we trusted her word when she said she’s not gonna post us online.

Cut to last weekend, my brother sent me this TikTok link with the message "dude you gotta watch this." I opened the link and it directed me to June’s TikTok account. She doesn’t have much followers (less than 10k) but the particular video he sent me had like half a million views/likes (I’m not sure which).

Lo and behold, it was a video compilation of my husband with the title "God I see what you’ve done for others’." The video was honestly the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen. She had recorded my husband during various of our double dates together, and it was clear he wasn’t even aware he’s being recorded.

In some of the clips, she would start with her face and then pan the camera towards my husband with a "cutesy" expression and mouthing words like ‘oh my god." The worst one was where he was working on her half sister, Raya, wearing scrubs and she’d recorded EVEN that. She didn’t even bother to blur out the kid’s face while she was lying on the dental chair.

I showed the video to my husband and he was HORRIFIED. He said it made him so uncomfortable and violated knowing that someone had been secretly recording him. He was angry that she’d recorded him working on a patient.

He texted her asking to take down the video and delete every video she has of him. First she feigned ignorance, then she said that she meant no harm and that it was all for "online engagement" since, I quote, "TikToks with hot guys go viral very fast" and that she’d gained a lot of followers after posting that.

This was all so weird but my husband and I got our families and friends to report the video and thankfully it’s being taken down now. This pissed off June and she sent me a long ass text saying how I was jealous of her online success and that I couldn’t stand seeing her succeed blah blah blah.

I replied saying "you’re delusional and unhinged. You’re not successful and you’ll never be. Stay away from us, you creepy weirdo." Now she’s all weepy and depressed and has been telling our common friends how "mean" I was to her. She’s also been posting about "mental health" on her socials and about how mean some women are with their words lol. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Turmeric_Ping said:

NTA. People who think "online engagement" is more important than basic human decency are sadly not at all uncommon, and they are, as you say, "delusional and unhinged," their "success" is not real, and except in a very few cases, it never will be.

Alive_Pin_7318 said:

NTA. You and your husband had set clear boundaries and she violated those boundaries. This shows that she does not respect yall at all. I recommend cutting her off entirely as anyone who disturbs your peace is not worth your time.

lovemynyrangers said:

NTA. She is a creepy weirdo.

canyonemoon said:

NTA. But you should probably try to contact her half-sister's parents and tell them that the ex-friend has been posting the girl on social media while she's at the dentist.

x_hyperballad_x said:

NTA. She is not your friend.

soullessginger93 said:

NTA. Your husband should probably talk to a lawyer about this, though.


My husband’s practice reached out to Raya’s parents and informed them about the situation via an email (as they wanted everything documented), like I mentioned in the comments. The parents have responded. They are shocked and very, very apologetic. They have agreed to chaperone Raya on her appointments instead of June. They wanted to meet my husband personally to apologize but he informed them that that won’t be necessary.

June’s TikTok video is still in the process of being taken down. No new updates on that. I guess she contested the reports or something. I’m not entirely sure. My husband and I have blocked her. My brother is keeping an eye on her account tho, just in case she posts something else about us. We’ll see what to do if/when it happens. We’re gonna be consulting a lawyer if she bothers us again in the future.

My husband is kinda shaken up/upset/annoyed about this whole thing. He’s taken some days off from work and so have I. We’ll plan a trip somewhere maybe, to take his mind off of these things. Right now, I need to be there for him. I won’t be posting anything for now.

We haven’t contacted her boyfriend yet. My husband is not in the right headspace right now and I feel it’ll be better if we focus on ourselves for the time being. We don’t want the added headache of how the boyfriend will react/if he’s in on this or whatever. We’ll inform him after some time. I know this is selfish but I think it’s for the best.


We thought the drama was done, but nope! We filled June’s boyfriend in on everything, and he was shocked, hurt, and confused. Turns out, June managed his social media, and he had no clue what she was posting.

He thanked us, and we thought that was it. But then he asked to meet up, saying he needed to discuss something. To be honest, we were extremely hesitant to meet with him. We were so done with the drama and didn't want to get sucked back in. But, he seemed genuinely concerned and willing to listen, so we agreed.

At the meeting, he revealed he'd confronted June. She broke down, professed her love, and claimed her obsession with my husband was for social media clout. Apparently, his "total package" made for great content. When he asked to see her phone, she refused. So, he checked her laptop... and found hundreds of sneaky photos and videos of my husband.

And, for laughs, she had pics of me looking my absolute worst – mouth open while eating, weird faces, the works! I think I'm pretty good-looking, but these photos were the opposite. It's like she wanted to prove a point about my husband's "ugly" wife. June’s boyfriend dumped her. But, honestly, we're even more freaked out now.

The scale of her obsession is terrifying. Hundreds of photos and videos? That's not just a crush; that's fixation. The thought of her escalating to something more is keeping us up at night. As a small consolation, June’s boyfriend made her delete the videos from her social media and laptop. But, god knows how many more copies she has.

Despite June not reaching out after all this went down, we're still on high alert. Her radio silence is kinda unnerving, and we're bracing ourselves for whatever might come next. Hopefully it is in fact just for social media clout, not some weird Baby Reindeer type obsession with my husband.

It’s kinda unsettling how she was friends with me for over two years; we hung out often, we’ve gone on weekend trips with her and her boyfriend, we have so many mutual friends, and yet no one knew she’s doing this behind our backs.

Either I’m bad at reading people or she’s very good at being sneaky and deceptive. I’m also mentally kicking myself for not realising that someone was taking pictures of me. I feel my husband and I both need to be less dumb and more aware of our surroundings lol.

On a brighter note, Raya's parents are super thankful to my husband for still treating Raya after everything. That's it for now. Hopefully, this is really the end.


I really didn't want to update this situation, but things have taken a seriously dark turn. When I posted about June's thing for my husband a month ago, I thought it was just some weird crush. Now? It's flat-out terrifying. The day after my last post, my husband got a super creepy message from a random number: "You have got it all wrong. Please meet me. I'll make you understand." We freaked.

Lawyers and cops are on it, trying to get a restraining order. Both our workplaces have ramped up security, and we've warned friends and family to keep an eye out. This whole thing is destroying my husband's mental health. He's anxious 24/7, wondering if he's being followed. He's stopped going to work because the feeling of being watched is overwhelming. We're trying to prioritize his safety.

And honestly, it's breaking my heart. The other night, he broke down in tears - I've never seen him cry before. It was shattering. He's been talking to a therapist online, trying to cope with the stress and anxiety. But even that's not easing his mind. He's consumed by fear for my safety, constantly worrying that June will harm me to get to him.

We're covering our bases - security cams, dash cams, the whole works. And I've scoured our home twice for any hidden devices (thank God, all clear). If things get worse, we're prepared to up and move. Honestly, it's better to have a life in a different state than be dead here. It's heartbreaking to think about leaving our friends, family, and everything behind, but we'll do what it takes to stay safe.

Some of the advice on here was really helpful, and I’ve done most of what was suggested. If someone, anyone, has any more insights, please share. I’m desperate at this point tbh.


I’ve been sharing some updates on a pretty unsettling situation we’ve been dealing with. For those who haven’t seen my previous posts, the short version is that my husband and I had a friend, June, who started acting super obsessively toward my husband. She secretly recorded him, posted weird videos of him online, and we eventually had to cut ties with her.

So, after not hearing from June for three weeks, things took a really creepy turn on Friday. We hadn’t heard a word from her, so we both got a little more relaxed about the whole situation. We went back to work, and everything seemed fine, but turns out, we were wrong.

My husband went to the store after work to grab some groceries. He had no idea June was following him, but when he got to the parking lot, there she was. As soon as he saw her, he tried to get to his car as quickly as possible, but she was already closer and blocked the way to the door.

He tried to walk away, but she stepped in front of him, begging him to talk to her. She kept saying it was just a harmless crush and that she’d leave us alone if he’d just listen. She even said, “Please, talk to me!” He didn’t respond and kept trying to walk away, but she wouldn’t let him. She begged again and reached into her coat pocket.

My husband heard a metallic sound and instantly thought she might be pulling out a weapon. In a split second, he grabbed her hand to stop her and pushed her away with force. She lost her balance and fell down, but he didn’t stick around. He quickly jumped in his car and sped off as fast as he could. Thankfully, she didn’t follow him.

After getting away, my husband immediately contacted the police. They managed to get security footage from the parking lot, and it shows two people—a man and a woman—running towards the car. After a short while, the man pushes the woman down and quickly gets in the car, speeding off.

The footage wasn’t super clear, but it shows the general sequence of events. Of course, it’s still not totally clear what she was planning or what she had on her, but the situation was extremely tense.

We’ve been trying to get a restraining order against her, and hopefully, this time we’ll get it, but we’re not entirely sure how things will unfold now. We’re also moving to my parents’ home country for a while just to feel safer and take a step back from everything. It’s going to be tough rebuilding our lives from scratch, but I guess that’s what’s in our destiny.

So yeah, that’s where we’re at. This whole situation is terrifying, and we’re just trying to keep our heads straight and stay safe. I’ll keep you all posted if anything else happens, but for now, we’re just trying to lay low and handle this as best as we can.


I’ve been sharing some updates on a pretty unsettling situation we’ve been dealing with. For those who haven’t seen my previous posts, the short version is that my husband and I had a friend, June, who started acting super obsessively toward my husband. She secretly recorded him, posted weird videos of him online, and we eventually had to cut ties with her.

So, after not hearing from June for three weeks, things took a really creepy turn on Friday. We hadn’t heard a word from her, so we both got a little more relaxed about the whole situation. We went back to work, and everything seemed fine, but turns out, we were wrong.

My husband went to the store after work to grab some groceries. He had no idea June was following him, but when he got to the parking lot, there she was. As soon as he saw her, he tried to get to his car as quickly as possible, but she was already closer and blocked the way to the door.

He tried to walk away, but she stepped in front of him, begging him to talk to her. She kept saying it was just a harmless crush and that she’d leave us alone if he’d just listen. She even said, “Please, talk to me!” He didn’t respond and kept trying to walk away, but she wouldn’t let him. She begged again and reached into her coat pocket.

My husband heard a metallic sound and instantly thought she might be pulling out a weapon. In a split second, he grabbed her hand to stop her and pushed her away with force. She lost her balance and fell down, but he didn’t stick around. He quickly jumped in his car and sped off as fast as he could. Thankfully, she didn’t follow him.

After getting away, my husband immediately contacted the police. They managed to get security footage from the parking lot, and it shows two people—a man and a woman—running towards the car.

After a short while, the man pushes the woman down and quickly gets in the car, speeding off. The footage wasn’t super clear, but it shows the general sequence of events. Of course, it’s still not totally clear what she was planning or what she had on her, but the situation was extremely tense.

We’ve been trying to get a restraining order against her, and hopefully, this time we’ll get it, but we’re not entirely sure how things will unfold now. We’re also moving to my parents’ home country for a while just to feel safer and take a step back from everything. It’s going to be tough rebuilding our lives from scratch, but I guess that’s what’s in our destiny.

So yeah, that’s where we’re at. This whole situation is terrifying, and we’re just trying to keep our heads straight and stay safe. I’ll keep you all posted if anything else happens, but for now, we’re just trying to lay low and handle this as best as we can.

Sources: Reddit,Reddit,Reddit,Reddit,Reddit
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