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Woman calls husband 'disgusting' for teasing her about of her looks, 'yesterday was the last straw.' AITA?

Woman calls husband 'disgusting' for teasing her about of her looks, 'yesterday was the last straw.' AITA?

"AITA if I called my husband disgusting for making fun of my appearance?"

Hi everyone, I’m honestly feeling pretty hurt and unsure if I’m overreacting, so I thought I’d ask here. My husband has a habit of making comments about my appearance that feel hurtful. It started with little things, like touching my forehead and pretending to measure it, saying I have the biggest forehead he’s ever seen.

I’ve seen him make fun of other people for this before, calling a girl “the ugliest of them all” because of her forehead, so it really stings when he says that to me. There have been other comments, too.

When I had a pimple, he looked at me disgustedly and asked when it was finally going away because “I’ve had it for a long time.” Another time, as I walked away, he made a comment about how flat my butt was.

Yesterday was the last straw for me: I was telling him about some issues I’ve been having with my period, spotting outside my normal cycle, and he picked up my feet and, once we finished talking, said they looked like “hooves.” When I got upset, he brushed it off, saying I was only mad because i was on my period.

I’ve told him repeatedly that these comments make me feel insecure and hurt, and I’ve asked him to stop. But he keeps doing it. AITA for being angry about this, or am I overreacting?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

KaliTheBlaze said:

“My husband is horribly mean to me, criticizing my appearance in insulting and demeaning ways. Is it my fault?” Of course not, NTA, except to yourself for marrying a man who talks to you and others like this.

RealisticRule2254 said:

Nta- that's straight up disrespectful. Theres teasing here and there in a relationship and then there is straight up making your partner feel bad. I'd honestly have a serious talk with him. If he can't respect you then you shouldnt be with him. You want someone who can playfully tease but respect your boundaries.

Financial_Bear_5071 said:

NTA. It sounds like he's become one of those men who thinks that if he puts you down enough, you'll become so insecure about your looks, that you'll think you can't do any better than him. It's a ploy to ensure you won't leave him.

It's time for a straight talk that you won't tolerate his behaviour any longer. If he still won't stop, it's time to start giving him a taste of his own medicine and see how he likes his appearance being torn apart at every opportunity. If that doesn't work, you have to decide if you want to be with a man who enjoys making you feel bad about yourself.

Literally_Taken said:

NTA. In fact, you would be spot-on if you did that. He’s intentionally attacking your self-confidence in an effort to control the relationship. His ego is so fragile he needs to pick on your appearance to make himself feel better. Hold your head high, being confident his statements are not based in fact. Then ask yourself if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone as miserable as him.

EleriTMLH said:

NTA. Our spouses are supposed to uplift us, not demean us. He's being a horrible human being, and you don't have to put up with it, *especially* since you've already talked to him about how it's hurting you.

mia_avz said:

NTA. It's hard living with a person like that. It makes you become small day after day. Please divorce that 'boy' he doesn't deserve you.

Sources: Reddit
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