I (F30) am in a long-distance relationship with my fiancé (M33). I've always struggled with body image and self-esteem. I used to weigh around 74kg, but I've recently gained some weight, and I'm now at 79kg.
I just got back from a trip to see him. It’s been a tough year with exams and other personal challenges, so I knew I had gained some weight. I told him about it and assured him that I planned to actively work on it once I got home.
It's been about two weeks since I returned. I've changed my diet and started walking two hours daily. Yesterday, he called and said he needed to be completely honest with me. He admitted that the reason we didn’t go out much during my visit was that he was embarrassed to be seen with me.
He also said that’s why he didn’t introduce me to his "friends" while I was there. He essentially told me that my appearance disgusted him and even compared me to my sisters.
He said I wasn’t the person he proposed to and mentioned that if I got pregnant in the future and gained weight, he would expect me to lose it eventually. He basically admitted that he wanted a trophy wife, saying that men are visual beings and that he was very unhappy with the weight I had put on. I ended the relationship. Am I being too sensitive, or AITA for breaking things off?
Demolition-woman223 said:
Lol, 10lbs up and down is a part of life, and he is not gonna stick by you for the tough times, your body is not gonna stay the same. Lose him.
BeautifulBunnyyy said:
You are absolutely not the ahole here. You deserve someone who loves you for who you are, not someone who wants a 'trophy wife'. You did the right thing.
DawnShakhar said:
NTA. "Men are visual beings" is the lamest excuse for shallowness that I've ever heard. Both men and women respond to visual cues - and audial, and olfactory cues as well.
But once you get to know another person and form a personal connection with them, you can cope with changes in the person - if you are a mature adult. Your BF obviously isn't. You are absolutely right to break things off with this loser.
KeyHovercraft2637 said:
Soooo NTA!!! Tell him it’s for the best because he can’t satisfy you properly.
BestFriendBodyguard said:
Absolutely NTA. Good for you, girl. You don't deserve that toxic bs in your life. You deserve someone who makes you feel as beautiful as you are every day.
Fair_Text1410 said:
NTA. You are more than a body. Shallow people would leave you if you dare to get older, heavier, or tired. He is the type of person to dump or cheat on you when you are sick. You have a shiny spine and I am proud of you for knowing your self worth.