When this woman is shocked by her husband's confession, she asks the internet:
I was watching a video with my husband, we've been married for 14 years and we have three children together, he has always been a great husband in my eyes and a great companion. In that video at one point they mention Katy Perry's song.
The song was 'The one that got away', it was a relaxing moment and he just casually said that he used to listen that song a lot thinking about his ex and laughed but I know he instantly regretted saying that because I told him that the song was out when we where already married... He had ended his relationship two years before he met me.
We had a little argument, after pressuring him a bit he admitted that while we were dating he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, even after we got married he was still in love. He saw her as the love of his life but when they both went their separate ways he had the need to hurry things up and meet someone, that is me.
I don't know how to explain it, has anyone ever seen those series where first you see the beautiful point of view of one character and then the dark point of view of another? That's how I felt, I was really in love with him from the beginning. It all seemed rushed to me but in my silly mind it was because we were madly in love.
But he just used me to forget her. I cried and felt pathetic, he asked me for forgiveness a thousand times telling me that a while after we were married he started to love me, he told me that I am the love of his life, that he feels like an idiot.
Maybe I'm exaggerating? But it breaks my heart to know that it took him years to love me, he used me like rehab and I feel like I was a fool in love while he thought about his ex. We have been sleeping in separate beds, we cannot afford anything like couples therapy.
I feel too hurt, every time I see him I can only think of him thinking of her every time we were together, of him thinking of her when we got married, of him thinking about her when we slept together.
I can only think of me being a fool in love and him crying for her in secret, he learned to love me? Why was it so hard to love me? All those times he told me that he loved him were lies? I have a hard time talking to him hand not showing my children how sad I feel, I'm not going to let this affect them.
Sorry for the bad translation, I wrote almost everything for the translator, I have a lot of free time while my kids sleep and I can't do it. Maybe somebody will read this and think 'what a drama queen' haha
He started to love you after he married you??? WTF. Why did he propose?
What your husband did to you is just disgusting. He dated you, married you, and made you have his children while still in love with another woman. If he lied to your face for so many years, how can you believe him now when he says that he loves you?
How can you know that he isn't lying to you about other things? How can you be sure that he won't just leave you and your children if that woman decides to come back into his life?
He has already shown you that he is capable of lying to your face with no remorse or consideration for your feelings and doesn't see a problem with just using you to satisfy his needs and keep up the appearance of being a good family man.
If your husband did what he did, he will have no problem replacing you with that woman or a shiny new toy or cheating on you. You really need to work on your exit plan, talk with a lawyer, and seek therapy. You deserve so much better than him. You deserve to be loved, appreciated, and in a relationship with someone who doesn't lie to you and use you just as a placeholder for another woman.
Your husband just told you about the other woman because, in his perspective, now that you have three kids to raise, you are stuck and should accept whatever he wants and be a good, submissive wife.
“Women can fake orgasms. Men can fake whole relationships.” - the great philosopher Sharon Stone. I’m sorry OP. I’d be heartbroken too.
This was a heartbreaking read , I can only imagine the pain OP is in right now . Huge breach of trust for years and he confessed only when he was caught . This confession can really shatter a person. What OP can only do is pick up the broken pieces and heal herself piece by piece.
I would never be able to recover the trust in him , I don't know if OP ever will . Only love cannot sustain a relationship, a long and hard road for OP ahead . Whether she stays or divorces both are very tough decisions.
Hi, I tried to post an update from my main account but my it got banned and deleted because someone started spamming me the helpbot :/ I was talking to some people in private so I would like to leave an update for those who helped me:
I received many comments but i hated that thing of "But you're the one who wakes up next to him! He chose you!" He's not an award that I have to be proud of having won and she's not my competition. "Oh he chose me! How happy I am to have been chosen while he's still thinking about another woman" Yeah, it doesn't work like that.
To the update: I showed my husband the post, he cried a lot and he is not a very sensitive person, he apologized a lot saying that he would feel just like me if he was in my shoes.
Many believed that it would have been better if he had never said anything, for me it is not like that, I appreciate sincerity and he knows that. Maybe I would feel less hurt if he had been clear about this years ago.
He was 22 when he broken up with his ex and their relationship lasted two years, it's not a long time but it was very intense because of her personality, it wasn't good but he had a dependence on her that was not healthy so it was difficult for him to leave her totally until they both finally
went their separate ways and break up but it was messed up because they still kept sleeping together from time to time, he knew he needed to move on so he felt that by being with me he could forget her faster.
He felt guilty for having feelings for me but we started our relationship anyways, they had already been with no-contact for months when he and I met(that's something I remember).
He admitted that his worst mistake was not being alone because since they continued to see each other in a fwb way until a few months before we met, he was basically grieving the relationship while we were together.
He said that he always felt guilty about it but he knew that he loved me but his mind was quite messed up so he refused to love me because he was too confused and scared of moving on from her.
My husband said that when he finally allowed himself to love me totally(He told me that he had always loved me but felt guilty for doing so, but he finally forgot about her and allowed himself to love me shortly after we were married.
That was also the time when he began to go to the psychologist), he began to feel really embarrassed of himself everytime he remembered the things he did like thinking about his ex with that Katy Perry song, he told me that while we were watching that video he didn't really think too much about it since it's something that he has worked on and overcome,
When my husband heard the song he just thought "I was really pathetic" and thought it was funny to tell me about it but he was such an idiot that he didn't really tought about the dates. Honestly? I believe him, he's like that and sometimes says things without thinking.
He told me no, that he's not in love with her anymore and he hasn't had any feelings for her for more than ten years, that he doesn't think about her or anything like that.
He has learned to see all the flaws in her and how the best decision was not to continue with that life, not only for me but for himself since even before he met me he knew it was an abusive relationship and he was just too immature and young to think that she was the love of his life.
Husband read all those comments like "He's going to go with her at the first chance he gets/ he's cheating on you right now" And he told me he never would, he asked me if he ever made me feel that he was that kind of man and I said no, honestly, even now I don't feel insecure about it, I know him, This is the first time he's hurt me in over 10 years and I still know he's not that kind of man.
I asked him if he had contact with her and he told me that he never felt interested again in doing that and wouldn't do it either because it would be disrespectful to me(actually now I know more about her than him), he has already overcome the relationship and realized that he was being really pathetic and didn't wanted to be like those in the comments who are 60years old and still idealize the past.
Going to the most important thing: No, I'm not going back to him RIGHT NOW. I think he loves me? Yes. I think he doesn't think about her anymore? Yes. But that doesn't mean he didn't used me the first years of our relationship.
And no, it is not normal to use one person to forget another, if you think that is okay, then go to therapy.
Although that is something in the past for him, it is an open and new wound for me so I need my time for reflection so we are going to continue living together but separated, he told me he's going to do everything to make me fall in love again and I know he's going to do it but for now I want my space to think and heal, he just said that it's his chance to start the relationship as it should have been from the start.
In my first post when I said that I trust that he would not be unfaithful to me many commented "HE'S CHEATING ON YOU AND HE ONLY USES YOU AS HIS MAID TO F, OPEN YOUR EYES" It's quite misogynistic to believe that just because I'm a woman I'm already the one who cleans.
I have never felt this way in the relationship and I clarified it in the post but many insisted on that as if they wanted me to doubt about him and it was like reading a little devil in my shoulder wanting to make me think in an irrational way, I literally received comments telling me that he was an abuser and never loved me
¿How is that going to help anyone? Even if it were true, there are less aggressive ways to say something other than sending me private messages calling me a maiden dog.
I work and he put the house and car in my name years ago, I am not a submissive woman, I'm not the only one who cleans(Yes, men can also clean and take care of children, it's a job of two. I don't know what's so surprising about that).
Even though I'm angry and hurt, I'm not going to make a false narrative that comes from resentment where I say that my husband is a manipulator who has me trapped on his hands when I know he's not, he's just dumb.
I don't feel trapped in the relationship and I can leave whenever I want, I don't want to leave now and I want to heal so I can see what to do in the future with all this.
I think a lot of people reflected their traumas in my post because the comments went from "all men are lying shit, he's using you and will go back to her because my ex was also a lying shit" to "We men are like that! I think about my ex every day too, you're going to ruin your kids life with this drama"
So I stopped reading them, generalizing about a genre it's too old-fashioned to me and even sexist. Curiously the comments that helped the most were the ones with less votes so thanks to those people who actually gave a good advice! For now thing are like this, I need my time to heal a new wound and he respects that.
And now, I'm not staying just for the 14 years or the kids, I am staying because I know what he is like and because no one knows the reality better than me and who really does feel sorry and wants to make a sincerely effort.
I am a mature woman, I am not going to let the irrationality of my hurt feelings cloud my judgment and erase the reality I have been living. I think some people here are too immature or maybe they've never been in a serious relationship because if the first thing they think when a couple have a problem is "divorce!" then it's quite worrying.
Edit: my god, it's really crazy how a lot of people don't even read the posts and takes the time to understand before commenting. Even now there's someone telling me I'm a bangmaid as if being a woman automatically did that to me.
But I guess my mistake was not saying what everyone wants, which is to paint my husband as a villain who is going to run with his ex as soon as he gets the chance, People are usually weird, they believe that seeing reality is justifying their behavior. I don't justify what he did at all, it seems like shit to me but I'm not going to lie and say yes, that he never loved me when I myself know that it's not like that.
You're incredibly strong and wise to recognize that you need space to process everything and not rush back into things. It's heartening to hear that your husband is willing to put in the work to rebuild the relationship from the ground up. Healing takes time, and it's important to honor your feelings in this process.
I think this is a hard one. If this happened to me I wouldn’t feel like I “won” something because he chose me over his ex. I would feel used and trust would go out the window immediately.
The best thing you guys can do is marriage counseling and really evaluate if this is the relationship you want to be in or if the marriage is salvageable. I genuinely think some part (small or large) has always wanted to get this out to you because he’s told you he wants the chance to win you over the way it should have been from the beginning.
Good luck OP. I commented on the first post too. As a suggestion, if you decide to stay and work through this with him maybe you guys should renew your wedding vows (since your first wedding was a literal lie) as a sign of good faith. And make him WORK for it, lol.
Anyway, you’re a better woman than me because I personally would not be able to get over this but I wish you all the happiness going forward!