What is too far for the wedding trope, 'the bride always gets what she wants.' On a popular Reddit thread on the Am I the A**hole Subreddit, a bride tests the limits of how far you can push people.
AITA for asking my (25f) sister (20f) to fix her overgrown/two toned hair before my wedding?
My (26f) wedding is in three months. My sisters (Sadie 29f, and Olivia 20f) are my Maid of Honors. My wedding will be elegant and big, as the groom and I have a lot of friends/family, and we’ve always dreamt of an extravagant wedding.
I have a good relationship with both sisters. However, my younger sister, Olivia, has made the process difficult as a bridesmaid. I chose a light dusty pink for the color of the bridesmaid dresses and let the girls pick what style they wanted. Immediately, Olivia says she’s going to feel insecure as she’s so pale, and the dress will make her look red.
I suggested a spray tan, as the color of the dresses had already been set in stone to match the rest of my wedding, but she said absolutely not (fair). I didn’t hear anything else about the dresses, but now I’m in a predicament with her again, and I’m not sure if I’ve made a mistake by making such a big deal of this.
Olivia regularly highlighted her dark brown hair with blonde for years but decided about a year ago to grow it and let it get healthy, meaning no dye. A month or so in, her hair didn’t look terrible, more like a balayage, but now we’re around the year mark, and her roots are straight-up brown, and there’s a straight line, no blending, of blonde for the last 8 inches of her hair.
Olivia has insisted she has her hair down during the wedding. However, I don’t want her roots and hair on full display during pictures, the ceremony, and throughout the night. I love my sister and respect what she wants to do with her hair. However, her hair is an eyesore, and I’ve never seen anyone let their hair look like this for this long.
I told her I would pay for anything she wanted to be done to it, as long as her roots were at least a BIT blended for the wedding. She says she doesn’t want to put any more chemicals on it and is leaving it, and I won’t change her mind.
I told my hairdresser about Olivia’s POV (we go to the same hairdresser), and she told me that there are plenty of things she can do for her that can make her hair look blended and still be healthy. Olivia still refuses, despite my offer to pay and tell her our hairdresser said she could make subtle changes and preserve her hair. I should add that her hair is NOT breaking or fried; she wanted a break from dying it to get it as healthy as she could and grow it.
This day is one of the most important in my life and having someone in my wedding party with unkept roots is something I don’t want. I’m not asking her to cut or change the color, just blend/transition the colors. She’s irritated because my other sister and mother have told her that she should change it for the sake of not ruining pictures. AITA here?
To be completely honest, if your wedding pictures are the most important thing in your life, to the point where someone else's hair color will bother you enough to fight about it, you need to re-evaluate your life priorities.
It simply, truly, does not matter that much.
YTA (You're the A**hole). Nobody cares about this except you. The guests don't care if a bridesmaid has two-toned hair. The wedding pictures will end up in an album that sits out and gets glanced through every couple of years (maybe) or hanging in dusty frames in various family homes. If it's a big wedding, by your 10th anniversary, you won't even remember the names of all your guests or why they were invited.
Enjoy your extravagant wedding, but don't be the bride who tries to change how her friends and family look to make them 'better' for pictures. That behavior is far worse than the sight of anyone's roots.
YTA. You do not get to dictate decisions that can’t be removed at the end of the day. Dress: yes. Spray tan: no. Hair up or down: maybe, depending on the existing length and type. Color: no.
Bridesmaids aren’t dolls or props. They are people you care about and care about you that you want to share a joyous moment.
Get new priorities.