Interviewing for jobs is stressful. Nobody enjoys the process, but it's a necessary part of life. On a popular Reddit thread on the Am I the A**hole Subreddit, a woman realizes that her interviewer was lying about the skills she was supposed to have.
AITA for getting someone fired because they pretended to know the language?
I (27f) decided to apply for my dream job. I have met all the criteria, and one of them was to be proficient in my native language (Russian), which I am, since I grew up in the country speaking and writing in it and have finished school and university where all the subjects are taught in Russian, except English and French/German language classes.
I ended up securing the interview with this place and needed to demonstrate my knowledge of Russian, so the person who did the interview started asking me questions in Russian. However, I could barely understand her; not only the accent made it incredibly difficult, but the fact that she couldn't build a sentence and also used incorrect forms of the words, and the pronunciation was wrong too.
In short, it sounded like she was randomly putting the words in Google translate and trying to repeat them over. I answered all her questions but noticed she barely made any notes. I decided to let it pass and wait for a verdict.
It sounded like she was randomly putting the words in Google translate and trying to repeat them over. I answered all her questions but noticed she barely made any notes.
After about three months of chasing and silence, I got an email saying I wasn't successful. The reason was that they believed my knowledge of the Russian language was poor and insufficient for the job and not up to their 'standards,' according to the interviewer. Of course, I was confused since the lady who interviewed me could barely speak the language herself.
So I decided to leave feedback about my experience on one of the job sites. My review received a fair amount of traction, and last week Monday, I got a call from the higher-ups, who listened to my feedback and opened the investigation.
On Friday, I discovered that the lady who interviewed me was dismissed. She and her friends were messaging me on social media, calling me an a**hole, because this job was her only source of income, and she was struggling. I feel guilty about this and feel like I was an a**hole for writing about my experience.
NTA (Note the A**hole) - She is scamming her company by pretending to speak a language that she has minimal fluency in. Imagine how many other people she’s turned down for jobs.
NTA- you missed out on a wonderful-sounding job, due to a person who clearly wasn’t up to scratch and had no business interviewing someone fluent in the language.
NTA, she shouldn’t have pretended to know a language she wasn’t fluent in, and it’s her fault for being sacked. She could’ve easily avoided this by not pretending and having someone else do the interview that did know Russian.