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'How dare my BF use his military status to board a plane first, am I wrong to be mad?'

'How dare my BF use his military status to board a plane first, am I wrong to be mad?'


Flying is an anxiety-inducing form of travel. Getting to the airport with enough time, having proper ID, and going through TSA are not fun experiences. On a popular Reddit thread in the Am I the A**hole Subreddit, one couple gets hit hard with the stress-induced by flying.

AITA for starting an argument because my boyfriend boarded a plane before me?

Good for you two! I'm usually in group 7

My boyfriend (26M) and I (24F) traveled by plane to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. We checked in together and had different boarding groups - he was in group one since he is active duty military, and I was in group three for being a platinum card holder on the airline. This is significant since both groups are considered priority boarding.

Don't worry folks these are professional flyers.

We are both under the impression that boarding groups do not necessarily matter - we are seasoned travelers, very efficient when boarding planes and the only thing that does matter is that we are on the plane before the main groups, which are the people who do not travel often and are generally slower when boarding planes.

I thought you were professionals.

When the plane started boarding, they called group one first, the group for active duty military and unaccompanied minors - and my boyfriend got up and boarded without me. I was annoyed since groups 1 and 2 are both super small, and group 3, my group, usually gets called super fast if not combined with group two.

He wants to know what it's like to be him.

After my group got called (less than five minutes later) and I got on the plane, I told him he could have waited for my group to get called, and we could have boarded together. He told me it wasn't a big deal, and I said it was since we traveled together. He had never done that before.

OP isn't a fan of 'me, me, me.'

Why would he do it randomly now? He didn't have a reason besides, 'it's for me; why wouldn't I use that group,' even though my group is still considered priority boarding.

OP is the judge and jury.

We got into a mild argument about it on the plane, nothing huge since we were, well, on a plane. He thinks I'm being an a**hole for starting an argument and being upset about him boarding before me, but I think it's justified since he had never done it before, and he didn't say anything.

OP wants consistency.

This isn't a new thing. He just joined the military and has been active duty for eight years. We have traveled together multiple times. I have seen him use his military ID for a discount ONE time in the entire time I have known him.

Huge_Industry_1259 says:

YTA (You're the A**hole). Did you get upset about BF boarding a few minutes before you? You say you're a seasoned traveler, so why are you so hot and bothered that he left your side for a few minutes?

What's he gonna do? Go steal a coke from the galley before you get on the plane? Put on bunny slippers that you don't approve of.

You seem to be trying to create a problem without one. Why would you do that?

This post will probably make me unpopular, but as an adult, why are you starting a fight where there is none?

Ellie_Reads_Romance says:

YTA. If I were him, I would always board ahead of you because I'd need the 10-minute break from your whining and pettiness.

MattDaveys says:

I can see why he boarded before you. Homie needed a short break. YTA

Hoodie_Boom_boom says:

Oh noooooooooooo, you had to wait FIVE WHOLE MINUTES to board the plane after him?!!?

YTA. Grow up.

I get it, OP, sometimes you just need a good fight to get the juices flowing again.

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