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Woman is furious when neighbor wants to 'copy' her famous Ursula costume; 'First you insult my heritage, now this?!' AITA?

Woman is furious when neighbor wants to 'copy' her famous Ursula costume; 'First you insult my heritage, now this?!' AITA?


When this woman is angry about a woman trying to copy her, she asks the internet:

'WIBTA if I dressed up as Ursula?'

So, for Halloween one of the best costumes I(f34) have is as Ursula. I have done it for years and have won prizes.

I work hard on my Ursula costume and love it so much. There's a woman, we'll call her Bea, who seems to be interested in trying to be my friend.

I am not at all interested in friendship and have never been after she's said something racist about the relationship I have with my godchildren years ago.

They are all white and I am black. After that, I lost all interest in trying to be friendly, but she continually pushes for it. About two year ago, she made friends with my best friend's parents and she now comes to all of their events.

I am cordial, but every time she's asked to be friends, I told her in no certain terms that I am not interested in friendship.

I heard through several grapevines that she has every intention of dressing up as Ursula this year as a way to try and build a bond between us since I love the character and adore dressing as her.

I was not going to dress as Ursula this year and was planning to do a group costume with my best friends, but the petty part of me wants to dress as Ursula to win the competition and let her know that I am not at all interested in kindling any sort of friendship.

I wasn't interested when she first came into my life and I am not interested in it now. So WIBTA if I dressed up as Ursula as well and outshone her with years of experience?

Let's find out.

allehll writes:

NTA BUT! If you dress as Ursula it’s gonna give her more of a reason to try and speak to you. It will be common ground like “oh! We’re both dressed the same! Aren’t we awesome! We must both love the character”etc… I would do a costume with your friend and just ignore the crap out of her.

steagsha writes:

Im going to say ESH ONLY because its so close to halloween and like, a group costume is a committment and youd be a pretty big jerkwad to your friends who you agreed to group costume with.

She isnt owed your friendship and a little pettiness towards someone not getting the very clear message you dont want to be friends is justified assholery which unless things in here have changed makes you not an asshole for considering dressing up as Ursula out of spite. However, like I said, youve made a committment.

fitty writes:

Are you an AH for not wanting to be friends with this woman? No, of course not Are you an AH for wearing whatever costume you want? Again, no.

Are you an AH if you decide to wear a costume because you want to stick it to someone else? Sorry, but yeah

Oh, don't get me wrong, I totally understand why you want to. And you absolutely can get away with it... After all, anyone who questions your motives can be told that you decided to wear your costume again because of how much you love the character

But you know what your motives are. And if you have to lie to people about what your motives are, that's a pretty good sign that you know that your motives make you sound like an AH.

Here's the thing though: even if you don't care about being an AH, it's still a terrible idea.

Look, this woman thinks that she can "build a bond" with you by dressing as the same Disney character that you like? First off, how shallow does she think you are? And second, imagine if you show up as the same character as her... She's not going to think that you are showing her up, she's going to exclaim "Twinsies!" and think that she has won you over.

Meanwhile, what will you have done? You will have decided not to wear an awesome group costume with your best friends in order to spend your whole night thinking about a racist copycat... Seriously, is that who you want to be?

So reluctantly, I'm going to have to give a ruling of ESH to your plan. I truly hope--for your own sake--that you rethink this and just have a fabulous night with your friends.

humpdu writes:

Nta, she's unhinged. I've also done Ursula cosplay and got shat on because I'm skinny and I just ignored it. Of course, I can't compare my experience to yours but ignore her bs and rock that costume love. I bet it looks awesome!

Sources: Reddit
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