For context, I let an ex coworker (21F) come live with me (24F) as an emergency situation. On the day she gave birth to her kid, she called me and asked me if she could stay a week or two because she had 4 months to find a place, but never found one. The place she was staying at (the man she was dating) told her she needed to leave by the time baby was born. (He ended up not being the father).
Fast forward, 2 weeks pass, then 3, then 6. I asked her during this time if she had found a place or any leads, but she kept saying no. By the 6ths week I was fed up. She was HORRIBLE!
Never cleaned, never did her laundry, put the baby in dirty clothes, left him in dirty diapers, let him scream and left the house to take "breathers" while he's screaming, never bathed the kid, played video games 24/7, tried giving the kid spoiled milk, ate ALL my food, left piles of dishes and baby bottles in the sink, sanitaty pads on the floor, every corner of my apartment had something of hers in it...
Her mom brought her brother over just for him to end up pissing ALL OVER my bathroom (he's 11 and autistic so apparently thats to blame) I know it's not...even had the audacity to ask me to take the baby for a night a few times so she could go party.
Also, the bills. WiFi was $215, electric was $146.... When its just my bf and I, WiFi is $64, and electric is $70. She never paid for it either even though i had asked for atleast half as I pay rent fully.
In the middle of all this, I wasnt a first time mother and was trying to give her SO. MUCH. ADVICE! She never listened or took that advice. Just said OK and kept doing the same thing. If i asked her to clean up her mess, same thing. "Ok." and I would end up cleaning it. Completely incompetent as a person AND a mother imo. (I got very close to calling CPS)
Finally i told her I found a place for her and she could move in asap, I told her they needed to talk to her directly, and if she could call them. So, I sat on the couch and waited for her to pick up the phone. Surprise, she didnt.... Just kept playing video games. Finally I turned off the tv, handed her the phone, and said firmly, "Call them...NOW!"
She didn't want to and threw the phone and said she "wasn't ready" and "how am I going to take care of a baby on my own?!" I told her that wasn't my problem and told her she needed to get out by the end of the week.
Her mom called me and yelled at me, so I told her she can come get her daughter the same night, and if she didn't, I'd have the police escort her.
Her mom said she wouldnt get her that night, let alone the end of the week, so I ended up calling CPS for the baby, and then the police to escort her. She overheard me talking and called her mom herself. Baby didnt get taken and police stayed to make sure they got out in a timely manor without causing trouble.
In the end, I'm glad she's gone, and don't regret kicking her out for jack sh-t, I just want to know, AITAH for it?
Vvvvvhonestopinion said:
NTA. Make sure you change your locks.
emptynest_nana said:
NTA. You cannot help someone who refuses to help themselves.
ThisReport877 said:
NTA never invite someone to stay without an end date for a temporary situation. Those who genuinely need help will understand, and you simply need it for those that would take advantage of you because otherwise they'll never leave.
She had options if she wasn't ready to have a baby, and all those should have been taken and considered far before the baby was ever here.
threadsoffate2021 said:
NTA - She was using you, the same way she used that guy who wasn't the father. In the future, NEVER invite anyone to live at your place for ANY length of time. Because it never, ever works out.
ConvivialKat said:
NTA. But, you did just learn one of life's very important lessons: No good deed goes unpunished. Don't "loan" people money or your car and don't let them move into your home. Ever. I hope you will be way more careful in the future.