No_Outside9331 writes:
My daughter, "Maddie," just turned 4. We had a family birthday party for her, including my mum, stepdad, sister "Liv," her husband "Stephen," their 5-year-old "Callie," and my brother "Jay."
We were all, except Stephen, staying at our place overnight, but Stephen had a family event the night before, so he came the day of the party.
When he arrived, he brought Maddie's birthday present, which was one of those motorized ride-on cars. Liv didn't say anything, but she was quite clearly surprised.
I didn't take it too seriously because she did say she'd left Stephen in charge of the presents since he has the more flexible schedule, so I assumed she just didn't know what he got. I also noticed Callie was upset and wanted to play with the car a lot.
Two days ago, I got a call from Liv asking me if I could return the car to them because Callie really wanted it. I thought this was way out of line to ask and said no. Liv is now saying I'm the AH since I could easily afford to buy another one for Maddie, but she and Stephen can't.
I could buy another one, but it was Maddie's gift. I think it's absurd she's asking for it back. My parents say since it's causing issues, I should just give it back or gift Callie one also, but I think this whole thing is just ridiculous. AITA?
Here are some of the top comments from the post:
Vvvvvhonestopinion says:
NTA (Not the A%#hole). Your sister is really rude. I think she is pissed her husband bought an expensive gift for your child and used her child as an excuse to get it back.
diminishingpatience says:
NTA. "My parents say since it’s causing issues I should just give it back or gift Callie one also." If your parents want that they could buy one for everyone they know who wants one.
TeddingtonMerson says:
NTA— it’s a cr%ppy lesson to teach Callie that if she wants her little cousin’s gift, she can just demand it. Buy her one for her next birthday or holiday.
The funny thing is that these toys seem pretty awful and I’m betting Callie would be sick of it and outgrowing it already if she had been given it! I’m betting by the time Callie visits again, Viv will be like “yeah, you can have it.”
What do you think? Should OP have given the gift back or was she right to say no? Let us know in the comments!