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'AITA for banning my roommate's girlfriend for touching my cookie dough?'

'AITA for banning my roommate's girlfriend for touching my cookie dough?'

"AITA for banning my roommate's girlfriend for touching my cookie dough?"

I rent a room to a lad called AJ. He’s 31. He is dating Nina (25f). I don’t mind if AJ has people over or anything but Nina has been here a lot. I am already annoyed because Nina always asks to borrow stuff from me.

“Can I borrow a pair of pants for work I forgot mine? Do you have extra face masks or can I borrow lotion/tampons/socks?” I have always told her no. I don’t make a lot and I don’t loan things.

She was furious I wouldn’t give her a pad but I use a diva cup and period underwear and I am NOT sharing those. She got mad I wouldn’t loan her a dress for their “surprise” date night. I told her if she asks again for ANYTHING of mine then she’s not allowed back in the apartment.

I told her to stop acting like we are friends and don’t use my stuff. Short of like medical things (bandaids) she should go buy her own stuff. This led to AJ being mad at me for making her feel unwelcome. I said I don’t want her around at all and the next time it happens I’m gonna ban her.

He said she is not that bad. I ended up letting him know one more step over the line and she’s gone. And if he breaks that ban, he can find a new place as he is month to month. Nina ended up being fine for a few days.

I was making cookies from scratch. They come in from some date. She sees the cookies and asks the kind. I tell her chocolate chip and she comes over, sticks her finger in the dough, and takes a chunk.

I got so mad I told her to get out. She’s banned. I didn’t care. When AJ tried to argue with me I said I am not renewing his lease if she’s not gone in two minutes. They left and I am now being called an ahole by friends. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

fallingintopolkadots said:

Nina needs to learn how to pack better. If she knows she's going to be over when she has work the next day...make sure you bring something you can wear to work. If you know that your period is coming...pack the items you need. In that regard, better yet, always carry some in your bag since periods aren't usually considerate.

If she's been told that you don't like her touching anything of yours, then she should have been able to restrain herself from sticking her fingers in your dough. While it seems a lot to ban her for that alone, it's not just because of's because of ALL of the inconvenience and lack of consideration she brings into your life.

pizzaduh said:

NTA in the slightest. You opened up YOUR home and now they're mad that they can't just take whatever they want? F that. Reminds me of a girl my buddy was dating a decade or so ago. Anytime we went anywhere, she wouldn't have money and my buddy didn't make a lot.

He'd always say, "Hey, can she have some of your pitcher (beer)?" Or if I would order an appetizer at dinner she'd just help herself and say, "I thought they were for sharing!" It got to the point we stopped inviting our own buddy to go and do anything with us until they broke up.

Key-Bit1208 said:

NTA. You are not her friend. You are not her roommate. You don’t owe Nina ANYTHING and she’s not entitled to your items or time just bc she’s dating your roommate. You set clear boundaries with Nina and informed AJ of the consequences if she crossed the line again.

And then she decided to help herself by sticking her hand into your cookie dough…Nina was deliberately antagonising you and AJ isn’t going to do a damn thing about it bc he’s not going to jeopardise the benefits of his relationship.

MarramTime said:

NTA. The woman is a mooch, who at this point seems to be needling you intentionally. Now that AJ has thrown the flying monkeys at you, your relationship with him is probably not retrievable so it’s time to give him notice to quit whether or not Nina reappears.

Even_Budget2078 said:

NTA. She asked to borrow pants?? lol ok Nina sounds incredibly obnxious. Does she thinks it's cute to be that unprepared? She didn't know she had to go to work? Ugh. Putting her finger in your cookie dough, after everything you said to her and AJ, is just too much. She sounds like a nightmare.

friendlily said:

NTA but just kick him out as soon as you can. He's already shown you that he has no respect for you and will back his gf being completely intrusive and rude. Out with them both.

ESH - I get your boundaries totally but also think that you sound like a really tough person to live with too… why do you even have roommates? Clearly you would be better suited to having your own solo space.


I’m not tough to live with. I don’t touch my roommate stuff, I expect him not to touch my things. Other than cleaner and other common bought items together, he doesn’t need to be eating my food or borrowing my products.

And his girlfriend certainly doesn’t need to be asking me for clothing and hygiene products, when she has a job and can go to the store. If you know you’re going over to someone’s house, and they have told you not to ask them for things and you’re not their guest, get some stuff to bring with you.


If your friend buys cookies from shops and coffee shops, there is a strong chance they eat cookies that have had 'dirty, unwashed hands' on them. I do commend being cautious, but you're talking as if she took a s^%$ in your cookie dough when there are no major health risks here.


My friend does not buy her and stuff from shops, because she’s immunocompromised and doesn’t really leave her house. And also, I could’ve been making these cookies for Hercules himself, who is in perfect health and has not a thing wrong with him.

I could be baking cookies for JC, and that still doesn’t mean that I’m going to give someone healthy or not cookies that someone has stuck their disgusting hands in.

I don’t know what she touched prior to coming in here and it is really gross that people think I should be OK with this and somehow I’m wrong for not wanting gross hands in my food. After I made it clear to her, but I don’t like her touching my s&^%.

Sources: Reddit
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