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Woman shares shocking saga of her boyfriend putting 'odd insects' in her food. UPDATED 3X

Woman shares shocking saga of her boyfriend putting 'odd insects' in her food. UPDATED 3X

When this woman finds out her BF is being creepy, she asks the internet:

"I found out my partner has been putting an odd insect in my food, what should I do?"

I 22F have been with my partner 24M for 4 years now, i have never known him to do anything like this, but i noticed he started acting a little strange around a month maybe a month and a half ago.

He started putting fruit on the floor in the garden and i thought it was abit weird but he said he was feeding the mice family that have nested im our shed so i thought it was sweet and helped him do so.

Anyways he started being really nice to me around 2 weeks ago and was making me food, baking me cakes and stuff (which he never ususally cooks evee so i was so happy he found a hobby).

I did notice sometimes i felt sick and dizzy after eating and i juet put it down to lack of sleep/hormones.

Anyways a friend of my partners came into my work today (i work in a cafe) and said he needed to speak to me when i was free (i was free as there wasn't any customers at this time) he told me that my partner has been collecting slugs from the garden on fruit he has been putting out there and putting them in my food, blending them up, he even sent this friend of his pictures of a bag of slugs he had cocllected and the picture of blended slugs.

I feel Really sick to my stomache, i don't understand why he would do this, this is so out of character of him, i asked him why he was doing it and he accused me of snooping through his messages (which i would never do) and got so angry at me for 'not being able to take a joke'

I feel disgusting, i love him to pieces but i just don't understand his way of thinking just now. Am i over reacting? I don't know what to do i feel Lost.

I don't know how to forgive him.

Let's see what readers thought:

daaghay writes:

Short don't. He tampered with your food on purpose with no intention of telling you. And not only is it disgusting it's dangerous and means you can not trust him.

The next red flag is the fact that when you confronted him the first thing he did was try and turn it against you. Whilst also admitting it. Making you feel like you're in the wrong for being force fed slugs.

....let me be super clear right are not in the wrong. You are not crazy. You have every right to be angry. You have every right to an explanation he has not given you. And you have every right to protect yourself from this psycho. You can not trust him.

And you must not forgive or forget. If it helps imagine your best friend told you that her boyfriend had been hiding slugs in their food? What you reaction be? What would you tell her?

Listen to you. And your own advice. The time you have been together means nothing compared to the time you'll lose staying with this man....if he's putting slugs in your food who knows what else he might be doing?

The trust is gone. He tried to make you feel bad from him being in the wrong remember that. And please for your own health.....leave if you can or get a plan in place to leave asap.

creatmmn writes:

Adulterating food is a lawful offense. I would take the friend, and evidence, to the local PD and report it. You don't have to press charges, but reporting it goes on record which might be useful in the near future.

He needs to be screened for mental health issues, or possible physiological changes that would effect his mental state, such as heavy metals, lead or mercury toxicity, as well as possible brain tumors.

I know you have a lot of time, love, and effort put into your relationship, and I know part of you wants to brush it off as 'just slugs' despite how disgusting it is, but would you feel the same if it was some other harmful substance?

Malicious intent or not, he adulterated your food not just once, but many times, and unless you take a serious stand on this, there is a very high probability of it happening again.

This is a red flag. A major red flag. Don't ignore it, because down the line I fear you may regret not taking action before something worse happened.

And now, OP's update:

I went to urgent care last night/early hours of morning and waited and was finally seen around 6amish.

I had some tests and i have a high level of metaldehyde in my blood. I was kept in for monitoring and i have some ulcers in my stomache (i was aware of this anyways as i was hospitilised about 2 months ago for a burst ulcer) originally thought it was stress but they now said it could be because of the poisoning.

I could have an infection of some Kind as my temperature is high but they havent found anything that could be causing that yet. They have checked my heart and it is fine, i am due to have heart surgery this year though but they're delaging it due to ulcers and infections and the fact i keep gettng sick which is ok, i have an appointment to se emy cardiologist on the 20th April.

I contacted the police and wrote a statement and was asked some questions. Anyone who knows me in real life please don't post mine or my partners name as the police said it would destroy the investigation. (not the exsact words they used but i am unsre i was in a daze)

My ex refused to say anything to the police or to me, however he did say he would speak to his friend and only him. He then spoke to me (i was not alone i was with a friend and his friend too) he confessed to doing random experiments on me/tests starting a few months after we moved in together.

It started with spitting on my toast, and then the week later he replaced my propranalol (beta blockers) with salt (emptied capsuals)

I want to add he was my medication holder as i have a history of s@@@ attempts so he hadnled my meds and gave them to me and thats when he thought it would be funny.

He also admitted to these things: Swapping my linda McCartney vegetarian sausages with real meat. (i have ibs and struggle to digest meat so became a vegetarian) He also replaced my quorn nuggets with his real ones.

One of my pet giant african land snails went missing in summer and i assumed it escaped a si left the lid open on their box, but he said it had died so he scraped it out and put it my curry, i vaguley

remember the day he did this as he laughed whenever i went to eat the curry and i got really paranoid so i put it in kitchen and stormed off he then brought it upstairs and told me to taste and i did and i realises he added loads of xhilli and he said he was laughing because he put chilli powder in and too much came out. Now i think he must of put the chilli in to cover the fact he put my snail in there.

He also said he rubbed my toothbrush on the toilet but then washed it as he thought that was too far. I feel like this is all a dream, it just seems too dramatic to feel real. I am unsure what is happening on the legal front,

He says he didn't know why he did this and that he does love me truly and that he felt compelled to do it. Which i understand as i suffer from OCD and get compultions/impultions. And that he really loves taking care of me and he feels its his purpose and he didnt mean to cause serious harm.

He promises he never did any of this to our animals I think he could just be stressed as i have mental health issies that could of caused something in him to break from too much stress. I am really sad and sorry for those who i caused concern.

Before we give you OP's updates, let's see what readers thought:

adgatehry6 writes:

He promised he never did this to any of your animals, but your dog recently had lungworm and he admitted to making you eat your pet snail. He replaced your heart medication with salt, and tampered with your food, knowing that you have IBS. There is nothing "funny" about that.

He has endangered your health, and those of your pets. Stress doesn't make anyone do this. He is not safe, for you or your pets. These are not the actions of someone who loves taking care of you, they are cruelty.

Please, stop blaming yourself. I understand your struggles with both mental and physical health, and the need for someone to love and care for you, but if you value your life (and those of the animals you adopted), he can never be trusted again.

And now, OP's 1st update:

Hi he was diagnosed wirh ASPD yesterday and admitted everything to me amd how i was his way of looking normal to the outside world, he manipulated me by giving me everything i wanted (as a BPD sufferer) love, affection, compliments.

He began testing me emotionally at first eith cheating to see how i would react but i forgave him and then began woth food amd stuff to see how long until i got sick, I am still baffled, the person i knew i never really knew at all. He is a psychopath and he gives ASPD sufferers a bad name.

He knew i was vunerable due to my mental and psysical illnesses, he became my carer but was torturing me at the same time and i was un aware of any of this. He rescued me from an abusive situation and then put me into a new one, that his how he works.

Update 2:

I recently left a weird relationship where my partner was contaminating my food ect. Anyways ever since i have struggled to eat, i moved into a ground floor flat, and sometimes i will find slugs around the house (i am terrified of them) i keep throwing food away because i dont know what the slugs have gone on, i am scared of getting sick, i can't cope or breathe right now...

i have tried everything to stop slugs getting in, copper tape, salt non toxic pellets but they still somehow find their way into my flat. I feel like natures tormenting me, any advice please?

I have tried speaking to my doctor but they won't really listen and the doctor i see said it was a good thing as i was overweight anyways. I was just discharged from the mental health team i was currently on.

Update 3:

Hello everyone, sorry for those who i didnt get to message back my messages have been so full! I am alive but have been sick with coronavirus! Thank you to those who reached out to me! You all made me feel less alone :) Hope everyone is well!

Sources: Reddit
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