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Woman starts to suspect coworker may be stalking her. UPDATED

Woman starts to suspect coworker may be stalking her. UPDATED

When this woman is worried her coworker is out to get her, she asks the internet:

"OOP's coworker is a stalker and a neighbor."

Summer 2017, I was working at a pharmacy, I had been there for 4 years. A new staff pharmacist around my age (28 at the time) was hired.

He seemed odd, but I was nice to him because everyone else was rude to him immediately and I felt bad. He asked me wayyyy too many questions, some I answered and others crossed boundaries (questions about ex boyfriends).

Fast forward a month, he said that he was moving. he lived on the east side of my city and he said that he was moving to the west side, where I live.

He said that he actually found a house near the intersection of where I live. I asked him what street and he wouldn't tell me. He also said that the owner will live there for a few more months, so I forgot about it.

Fast forward a few months later, and my mom and stepdad told me they met our new neighbor (our house is one house away from the intersecting street, this house is on the intersecting street, so we are one house away but the back yards connect). My mom said he seemed like a really nice young man.

The next time I worked with him I asked if that was him, and he said no. I let it go for a little bit. Then another time, he started asking me questions, describing my back yard and asking if my street name started with the letter that it did.

So he admitted it was him. I asked him how he knew it was my house, he said he saw me in the back yard. He decided not to say anything to me.

The next few months were weird, I was still friendly with him as a coworker but he crossed some boundaries. He knew my birthday was coming up (my birthday and address are in the pharmacy database) and my brother was asking for ideas for what to get for me.

I wanted a certain phone case, so I was browsing on my phone to send my brother links to the ones I wanted. he would always look over my shoulder when I was on my phone. he saw the type of phone case, he got me the phone case and a $150 pre loaded visa gift card.

I told him (in a very professional manner) that I felt the gift was inappropriate and probably against company policy. I walked over to his mailbox while he was at work to return it. He kept putting it back in my mailbox with messages of begging me to accept it because I make him so happy. I ended up giving it away.

Not much longer after that, I took my coworker (not him, a female) to the zoo. I had some of it on my snapchat story. He kept messaging me on snapchat asking questions about it, and it was bothering me so I blocked him. After that he called my mother (he got her # from when they first met) and told her that he needed to talk to her.

He told her he needed to come over and talk to her, so she invited him in and they talked. I was very alarmed by this but she thought it was endearing. I told him once again at work that he crossed boundaries, and he said that he does everything that he does because he cares about me. He didn't understand where I was coming from at all.

Those were the most stand out things he has done. Also a lot of pestering about "tell me who your boyfriend is" and trying to look at pictures in my phone to figure it out, going through coworkers phones and reading their conversations with me (even impersonating them while I was not at work to get info).

One time he even cornered me at work and wouldn't let me leave until I told him what characteristics I look for in a guy.

He also was mad at me when I got a birth control prescription filled, even though it was being used to correct hormonal problems from another birth control. I started being mean to him at work because I couldn't take it anymore.

He then told me that I was treating him that way because he is a "nice guy" who "cares about me" and that I am "looking for a jerk". It became a very hostile work environment, and I left about 2 months ago.

This is a side note, other coworkers and neighbors hate him because he likes to start confrontations. He also plays "he said she said" with people for entertainment. The neighbors have called the police on him and think he is crazy.

I haven't heard from him at all since leaving, but I saw my former co worker last week at a get together and she said that he is trying to get her to tell him where I work now.

He told her that he sees me getting into my car every morning so he knows I have a job. I told my mom this and she didn't take it seriously (she never believed I was in danger). I would just like to get an outside perspective. When I come home late I run to the door, and if no one is home I will wait to take a shower, I'm still scared.

And now, OP's update:

Hi everyone, here is an update from a post I made a few years ago about a scary neighbor. Last night I looked out the window and there were multiple police cars and an ambulance.

I found out later that my neighbor married a Young girl from the same country as him. She doesn't speak much English and doesn't have family here. She has been here a few months.

He has seldom let her leave the house, even to go in the back yard. My other neighbors managed to catch her outdoors once or twice and managed to get her phone number.

She said he has cameras all over the house and outside. Last night he was beating on her and accusing her of cheating and the cops were called. After that he shut off her phone service, last night he attacked her with a kn&fe and my neighbors heard her screaming and they called the cops for her.

She says he was trying to kill her. She was taken away by an ambulance and he was arrested. Multiple G@ns and kn*ves were found in the house. I'm going to cut this post short because I'm typing this on a tablet with no keyboard and it is getting cumbersome.

Note: Marking concluded as it seems that stalker has moved on from stalking OOP.

Sources: Reddit
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