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'Would I be an AH if I ask my mailman out for coffee or drinks some time?' UPDATED 5X

'Would I be an AH if I ask my mailman out for coffee or drinks some time?' UPDATED 5X

"Would it be weird if I were to ask my mailman out for coffee or drinks some time? AITA?"

Hi postal peeps! First off let me thank you for all your hard work every day! Now for my question. I think the mailman who delivers to my office is really cute. He’s just the cutest guy ever. Tall, tatted up and the nicest blue eyes I think I’ve seen! And he looks so damn cute in that uniform too!

He’s funny, always has a smile and I believe he’s flirting with me. For example when I’m at the desk when he comes in he always says “It’s the girl with the curls!” He doesn’t have a nickname for any of the other ladies in our office. One of my coworkers says that on days when I’m not there he looks for me. It’s just little things like that.

So, I’d like to ask him if he’d like to meet up for drinks or something one of these Saturday evenings. Would it be weird? Have any of you had a customer ask you out? Is there any type of rule against this? AITA if I do this? Would you be weirded out if some customer asked you out? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

The internet was invested, to say the least.

Cubbi-Wan-Kenobi wrote:

At least it seems like you’re his age. I only get hit on by women over 70 and women under 19! 😢 Edit: GIRLS under 19, they’re def not women!

OP responded:

I think he’s mid 20’s to early 30’s, but I’m not sure. And there’s definitely no wedding ring I checked for that!

Fancy_Goat685 wrote:

Only ask if you're going to tell us how it goes 😁

OP responded:

I promise I will!

markrueff wrote:

I met my wife on my route! I’d say go for it she asked me to go out, and we’ve been together for about 5 years now.

OP responded:

Oh wow! So this isn’t unusual? I think it’s the uniform! Your story is too cute!

fluffy_bottoms wrote:

Tell him you’ll trim your bush so he can better service your box.

definitelymaybebilly wrote:

Absolutely go for it!! A couple years back, I was constantly delivering the same 2/3 hours of a route for overtime and there was a customer that would relentlessly flirt with me. Honestly, it made my day after 9/10 hours of walking around town lol. She had a really cute dog that I’d stop and play with outside which is normally how she knew I was there.

I typically reciprocated playfully, but didn’t want to ask for her info. My thought process was that she didn’t get to choose whether or not I showed up at her house every day, so I didn’t want to put her on the spot, possibly make her feel awkward whether she rejected me or not.

Thankfully, she asked for my number after some time, we went out on a few dates and really hit it off. Now we’ve been together just shy of two years! I currently live in said house and am typing out this message sitting next to said cute dog! I am SO glad she passed her digits along to this sweaty, tired mailman lol

Homogenyenjoyer wrote:

If a girl with the curls asked me out I'd be pretty stoked.

OP responded:

Oh I just had a thought! What if you’re him! Or what if he’s in here? 😬

Five days later, OP shared an update.

I (25f) am going on a first date with a guy (27m) I met at work. We don’t work together but our paths have crossed at work a lot and I’ve been crushing for a while. I asked him out on Tuesday. Turns out he’s been crushing on me too. Wish me luck! I’m pretty nervous. This is my first first date in a very long time. I was in a relationship of four years until last October.

In fact this is the first actual date I’ve had since my break up. I’m just nervous. Like I know he’s into me. We’ve eaten lunch together twice this week and have been talking and texting since Tuesday. But, yeah, I’m nervous! So I guess all I’m asking is for everyone to wish me luck!

Commenters were invested.

vegetable-mall2329 wrote:

As a guy I gotta give OP props for making the first move. Especially because you two work at the same place, guys are so nervous about if they cross that line will they get reported and lose their job.

OP responded:

I should have put in my post that he’s actually the mailman that delivers to the place I work. So we don’t really work together but we do see each other at work.

-StandupGuy- wrote:

I got asked out by someone at a place I frequent recently. Also had a rough break up a bit ago. I feel this one. Good luck. Do it. Its good for you. You can always choose to go for more after the first date, or choose not to and let them down as easy as you can, which Im actually doing right now. The first date is actually a huge step when you are "coming back around". Its not a rebound, those make it worse.

It's another shot you take when you feel ready, and those are good, and its totally ok if you miss, just miss gracefully. Side note: Keep in mind, there is a reason people say "don't date your coworkers, date their friends instead". Sometimes its one of a kind, but usually it brings trouble. Be careful, home slice.

lettiota wrote:

I give the same advice for first dates and for job interviews. They want to like you - everything is easier for them if they do. Just don’t give them a reason not to! Enjoy.

Two days later, OP shared another update.

Hi there! I posted yesterday that I had a first date and was a little nervous. Well, it went really well. We met up for drinks and then went to dinner at an Italian place. It was a little awkward at first as I guess most first dates are. But at one point we looked at each other and both started to laugh and that broke the ice.

I guess we had the same thought. We’d never seen each other out of our work uniforms. He delivers the mail to the veterinary clinic where I work. I wear scrubs at work and he wear his mailman uniform. He looks cute in his uniform but last night he looked so handsome!

So we had a nice dinner and after we walked to an ice cream shop nearby and had ice cream and just talked for over an hour until the place was ready to close. So he walked me to my car and kissed me goodnight and we’re going to have lunch together again this week at work. I don’t know if we’ll be able to meet up next Saturday since we both had plans already. But so far it seems to be going well.

The internet loved the cute update.

seeyalater25 wrote:

Glad to hear it, a positive first date is always a good thing for anyones self esteem. 👍👍👍

BES2091 wrote:

Freaking awesome! Hope it continues to go well! Gives hope haha.

OP responded:

Thank you! We went to lunch together yesterday and we’re planning on going out again this weekend.

silentrainict wrote:

That's awesome! If you wanna make his day this summer, spend 4 bucks a month on a 40 pack of water and give him a cold water bottle and a frozen water bottle when he stops at your clinic. That sh-t is the best. And if you really wanna make all his coworkers jealous, give them one on his day off also, lol.

One month later, OP shared another update.

I’ve (25 f) been dating this guy (27m) for a little over a month after flirting with him for a while before that. We’ve spent every weekend together except for one the whole time. And this weekend I spent the night at his place for the first time. 😉 So I’d say we’re pretty serious. Well here’s the thing. He’s not close to who his family at all.

His dad passed away when he was in high school and he and his mom don’t talk at all. His mom has turned his younger siblings against him and his older sister who’s also estranged from their mom lives out of state. There’s a lot of background but I won’t go into details. I’d really like to invite him next weekend to my dad’s place for a barbecue he’s having on Sunday.

He’s not going to be spending the holiday weekend with his family and I hate the thought of him spending the day alone. So is it too early in our relationship to introduce him to my dad, my sister and a few of my aunts and uncles? Will he feel overwhelmed meeting all these people? Will it seem like I’m rushing him along? Any advice or insights you all can give me would be really appreciated.

The comments and advice kept coming.

Jaeheondaesong wrote:

Your reasoning is sensible and the concern of introducing him to the family is also reasonable. To hell with all that, invite him to the bbq, what man doesn't wanna have a home grilled meal like that? Inquire if he has any plans for the holiday weekends before shooting him with the invite. Then reel him in hook line and sinker.

Unreasonably_Good wrote:

You are so considerate and sweet! So glad this worked out for you!!!!

A month later, OP shared another update.

I (25f) have been seeing this guy (27m) for a little over a month. We’ve been on dates, gone to lunch, gone for walks together, just hung out at each other’s places and yes we’ve been intimate. But we haven’t made it official until today.

Today I asked him if he’d like to go with me to my dad’s Memorial Day barbecue. He kind of joked about meeting my family and said I guess this makes me your boyfriend officially. So I said is that what you want? And he said yeah, you’re the only person I want to be with. So we’re officially now together.

Weeks later, OP shared another update.

Hi postal peeps! It’s the Girl With The Curls here! A lot of you have been commenting on my old posts asking for an update on me and the cute mailman from my job. We have been dating for a while now and things are going great!

We have really hit it off and he even hit it off with my dad who’s not easy to impress.

I’m not sure what else to put in my update but I’ll be happy to answer questions as long as I can. I’m about to leave on a trip today so I might be out of WiFi range here in a few hours.

The internet was happy to hear OP's update.

Richard----- wrote:

So you’re telling me...he delivers.

Atta babe.

Sad_Cantaloupe_3531 wrote:

Thanks for the update! I’ve been thinking about this, glad you two are doing great.

Who-cares6891 wrote:

How are you liking his work schedule? It can be hectic.

OP responded:

Craziest schedule ever! I’ve already learned not to make dinner plans on Saturdays because of all the call offs and he gets stuck working late!

Kind_Literature5409 wrote:

Awe!! I’m super happy for the both of you!! I love heart happy stories such as this 💟💟💟💟. Just keep us posted!! We love to hear positive things!! 😎😎😎😎

Sources: Reddit
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