So, when a Reddit user asked, 'What is something people brag about that they shouldn't?' people were ready to share their biggest pet peeve when it comes to other people self-owning on social media or in real life.
How little they sleep. - NoSexAppealNeil
Going to work no matter how ill they are - Reynoldssas
Not being able to do basic tasks. 'I can't even boil water, I'm so quirky!' No, you're not, you're a disappointment. - DozenPaws
Inherited wealth. - ShrugBlurp
Not drinking water - SakuraFoxOffical
What a great person they are. If you have to verbalize it, chances are you’re not as great as you think. - wheresmychin
How little it takes for them to resort to violence. - scureto1
How little they know. As a teacher I see pride in ignorance all the time. - Spodson
How good they are at driving drunk - DefiantDazedDucks
Not taking PTO on their jobs. It's kinda sad in my opinion. - juliani01
Cheating on their significant other - TFarrey
“I have no filter!” - f0gax
How trashed they get, every day/weekend - King_Bean031
Going back to work right away after having a baby. I had a boss that used to brag about not taking a day off even when each of his kids were born. I’ve met others that brag similarly. So, you are more dedicated to your job than your family? Seems odd to me, but whatever. Do you. - Round-Goat-7452
Their IQ, especially when they got it from an online IQ test. - captainmagictrousers
How much they hate their spouse yet stay together? - holdmyicetea