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Woman snaps at aunt after getting shamed for breastfeeding at family function.

Woman snaps at aunt after getting shamed for breastfeeding at family function.


Breastfeeding is a completely natural bodily function. But because of society's sexualization of the female body, a lot of people still consider it 'inappropriate' or awkward to witness in public.

While you might expect those reactions to primarily come from men or people who haven't been parents, that's not the case, sometimes older moms and grandmas are the most likely to pearl-clutch.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for snapping at her aunt after being scolded for breastfeeding at a family event.

She wrote:

AITA for telling my aunt to move if she doesn’t want to see me breastfeed my daughter?

As a note: my daughter is 11 months old and I’ve exclusively breastfed her from day one. We’ve had struggles from me not producing enough, but we’ve overcome it and I’m very proud, considering with my son I was only able to breastfeed about three months because of lack of supply and poor latching.

I was at a family picnic the following weekend and got to see my aunt who lives far away whom I don’t see often. I was sitting next to her catching up when my baby’s dad brought my daughter over saying she wants to nurse. I unclipped my right side of my nursing tank (the side away from my aunt) and my daughter latched on.

My aunt asked if I wanted something to cover up and I said no thank you, my daughter pulls off any cover I’ve tried and not much of my breast was exposed except my nipple which my baby was covering. She made a joke about me having no shame which I laughed off, then told me even tho I’m comfortable feeding her without a cover maybe she or the rest of my family isn’t.

I told her I was more interested in me and my daughter being comfortable for the 10 minutes she would eat and if it bothered her she was welcome to move. She then scoffed at me but didn’t move, making a weird look at me then going into her phone and halting our conversation.

I don’t think I was out of line, but I heard her complaining to my cousins shortly after and they told me I shouldn’t feel so comfortable “flashing” my family. In nicer words, I told them to f#$k off. I don’t feel ashamed to have to feed my daughter, but I’m wondering if I’m just so used to it it doesn’t feel like I’m doing anything inappropriate. Should I have handled that differently? AITA?

Redditors didn't hold back, at all.

7hr0wn wrote:

NTA, people who are offended by the fact that babies eat can shut their eyes or walk away. Babies. Eat. Breasts may be involved. Get over it.

Particular_Title42 wrote:

'She made a joke about me having no shame '

That wasn't a joke. That was an insult. You have no shame and you shouldn't.

BREASTS ARE NOT GENITALS. Men get to show theirs all the time.

In other countries, women can walk around completely nude and unashamed because they know that nudity isn't inherently sexual. NTA. There's no better way to handle it and not cave to their demands.

CapoExplains wrote:

NTA. Some people are so weird about breastfeeding. 'Flashing,' good lord, you're feeding your baby, not ripping your top off and getting motorboated.

Your aunt is being ridiculous and if she's too hung up about it to handle seeing a mother feeding her child because it involves a breast (y'know, that thing mothers have used to feed their children for long before puritanical sensibilities were invented).

That's her problem to deal with and yeah, she can look away, or sit somewhere else, or hop on a train back in time to the Victorian era when ladies knew not to show their ankles in public.

Like if she was just uncomfortable seeing it, still being kinda hung up about it and like 'get over it' but whatever, but to liken it to flashing is so insulting and puritanical.

chameleonsEverywhere wrote:

NTA. Listen, I'm kind of a prude. I feel uncomfortable seeing other people's breasts - I was not raised in a body positive environment, it's just something I'm very not used to seeing even though intellectually I know boobs are perfectly natural. You know what I do when a woman has to expose a breast to feed her child around me?

I simply LOOK AWAY. Bam, problem solved. If your aunt is uncomfortable and can't control her own eyes, she should quietly excuse herself from the room. This is her problem, not yours.

OP is absolutely NTA here, it's sad that her aunt is so weird about a natural function.

Sources: Reddit
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