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Woman posts on Facebook that Santa Claus isn't real. Niece is now devastated; sister is furious. AITA? UPDATED 5X

Woman posts on Facebook that Santa Claus isn't real. Niece is now devastated; sister is furious. AITA? UPDATED 5X

"Me [32F] posted on Facebook about Santa Claus not being real. My niece [13F] is a Facebook friend and is now devastated. Sister [36F] is furious with me."


I can't believe I even need to post this, but here we go. I posted the Ryan Reynold's Deadpool meme where he tells kids about sex and says how Santa isn't real. My niece who just turned 13 has a Facebook account that is about a week old. I honestly forgot I even has her as a friend.

My sister called me furious. Apparently she had to come clean to both my nieces (the other one is 11) and now they are so upset they couldn't go to school today. I told her I thought she had told them years so about Santa not being real, but I still felt bad and apologized.

She says that isn't good enough and that I need to publicly say how Santa is real and provide "proof" to my nieces how I believe Santa is real. I refuse. I think they are far too old to be believing in Santa still.

My mother and father sided with my sister saying I shouldn't ruin my niece's Christmas (FFS it is March) and take away their childhood prematurely. I feel like I'm in crazy town.

I just sent an email saying I am sorry the incident happened and that my niece's are hurting, but that I am not going to pretend Santa exists because I feel that is an unreasonable request. My parents have said they are disappointed with me and my sister said until I agree to lie about Santa that she is going no contact.

Am I wrong that 13 and 11 is a fine age to stop believing in Santa? I get that they are all upset, but isn't this an inevitable part of growing up? Usually my family is reasonable, so I'm a bit shocked about this all honestly.

My sister and her family aren't even Christian (yes I know Santa isn't a Christian thing, but Christmas is a Christian holiday. We never really made a big deal of Christmas beyond eating good food and opening a few gifts).

Edit: So my niece sent me a text from school asking why her mom was mad at me. I said it was over the whole Santa thing and she said "That's stupid. Who still believes in Santa?" So...yeah I called my sister out on this whole b.s. situation and for making up lies to try and make me feel bad.

She called my parents crying, so my parents told me their standard line of having me be the bigger person and patch things up. Not this time. I told them to quit sticking their noses into an argument that has nothing to do with them, but honestly I am so pissed they can all fuck off for awhile. I'm not responding to anyone unless I get an apology.

Edit #2: Crazy town:

Sister: I can't believe you responded to niece after I told you not to talk to her! It's disrespectful to me!

Me: You mean you are just upset you got caught in a lie?

Sister: It wasn't a lie! It was a justified exaggeration to prove a point!

Me: What effing point?!

Sister: That your words and actions on Facebook have consequences!

Me: Let me get this won't let me talk to nieces because I posted a meme about Santa not existing even though they don't believe in Santa anymore?

Sister: What if they were younger?

Me: They aren't...what kind of logic is that?!

Sister: I can't talk to you when you're being unreasonable and refuse to see the point.

Me: Okay. Good luck with that. When you are ready to apologize you can send me message.

Sister: What do I have to apologize for?! I don't even know why you're upset when I'm the only one with the right to be upset here!

Me: Figure it out.

Edit #3: You know, this isn't normal behaviour for my sister. I reached out to my BIL and he says he's been concerned the past few days. It's been like a switch was flipped and she started acting nuts. He's going to make her an appointment with their doctor. It might just be stress, but never hurts to check it out.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's initial post:


If she's old enough for Facebook, she's old enough to know about Santa. And keeping the kids home to grieve over the "death" of Santa? Your sister is weird.


I just read the edit. Oh my god. Your sister is nuts and her parents are enablers.

Shout out to the niece who has more sense than her mother. Good god what a hot mess.


Unless they're homes chooled, 100% they knew Santa Claus wasn't real but were keeping it up for the gifts.


Your sister is having difficulty with her daughters growing up. If the kids really still believed in Santa, then she has been keeping them ignorant/innocent to a degree that borders on abusive. Do the girls know the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy aren't real either.

Your parents are enabling your sister's weirdness. I guess you could post that "Yes, Virginia, There's a Santa Claus" letter but I surely wouldn't do anything more than that. Your sister should be more worried about the 13 year old finding a baby in the cabbage patch than leaving milk and cookies for a man in a red suit.


13 is too old to be believing in Santa. Many girls have hit puberty by this age.

Two weeks later, the OP returned with an update.


To summarize the last post, I posted a Ryan Reynolds meme about Santa Claus not being real on Facebook which my 13-year-old niece saw. My sister flipped out about it and wanted me to publicly rescind and say how Santa is real, but I thought my nieces were too old to believe in that stuff and refused. It lead to a crazy fight between us.

Anyway, I talked to my nieces and neither of them believe in Santa, so they were baffled about the fight. I talked to my BIL and he said my sister has been flying off the handle lately. We agreed she should probably get a check up and he convinced her to go to the doctor.

Onto the update. They did a MRI and nothing showed up. Then they did some blood work which looked fine, except some elevated cholesterol. She isn't pregnant. They pretty much wrote her off as a crazy person and sent her to a psychologist for stress. After a session, the psychologist told her to do some "deep breathing" and sent her away as fixed.

She got worse. She stopped sleeping and barely ate, yet still gained weight. Any small annoyance would send her into a rage. Commercials were making her so upset she would ugly cry. I asked my BIL if they tested hormone levels or anything like that and he said the doctors didn't feel it was necessary.

She called me one day crying and apologizing, saying she was the worst sister ever and I had every right to hate her. She was so devastated she ruined our relationship and such. It was weird and NOT my sister, so when I got a chance to speak I told her she was going to go see my doctor and I wasn't taking no for an answer. I set up an appointment and my doctor ordered a full blood panel including hormone and vitamins before my sister drove to town for her appointment.

When my sister drove up we spent the morning shopping and she was unpredictable. One minute she was happy and the next yelling about some perceived sight ("That fucking pretentious makeup counter bitch just looked at me funny for my cheap drug store makeup."). It was uncomfortable, So I just walked on eggshells to keep her from exploding.

Anyway, results of the bloodwork and a good doctor: perimenopause. Her hormones are completely abnormal. None of her doctors would even consider it because she was "too young" for menopause, so they didn't even bother running the tests. She'll be coming up with a care plan with my doctor for hormone replacement therapy and diet change to hopefully get back on track.

She still a nutcase right now. For example, she called me crying the other night because she will never have more kids (wha...her husband had a vasectomy years ago). I'm driving to her place next weekend and we're going to batch cook a bunch of meals for her new diet plan.

I'll be doing it with her as I could stand to eat healthier. So it'll be a slow process, but we have a diagnosis and plan. I'm just taking her outbursts as "crazy hormones" right now because it'll take awhile to even out.

I got her a dark chocolate cake for Easter that said, "Happy Reverse Easter (when the Easter Bunny takes back your eggs)" because I'm kind of a jerk. She thought it was hilarious though, so we are good.

Edit: Removed the comment about being bipolar. Though my SIL has professionally diagnosed bipolarism and does have wildly swinging moods within minutes sometimes (though usually a manic high or low lasts weeks.)

It wasn't my intention to slur a group of people. My sister was acting very much like my SIL can act sometimes, so it was the best reference I could make. I apologize for offending anybody.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's update:


"I got her a dark chocolate cake for Easter that said, "Happy Reverse Easter (when the Easter Bunny takes back your eggs)" because I'm kind of a jerk. She thought it was hilarious though, so we are good."

This is the best thing ever. so glad you figured it out. good for you for realizing she was totally out of whack and helping her get back on track. Good luck!

gfjq23 (OP)

Well like I said...It wasn't abnormal for teenage sister. She was a HUGE drama queen back then. It was abnormal for 36-year-old sister. I guess she's just sensitive to hormone fluctuations.


But what about the parents? Did they come around and apologize or not?


Doctors consistently minimizing the symptoms of women. It’s beyond infuriating.


If you are old enough to be on social media you are old enough to know (and probably do) that things like Santa and the Easter bunny aren't real. If you are not mature enough to handle that you def are not ready to be online.

That was my first red flag for the sister before she even talked to the nieces. I am glad the sister is getting help because the whole situation was crazy pants and it is always good when the crazy has an easily fixable explanation particularly when kids are involved.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP, her sister or her niece any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit,Reddit
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