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'ENTITLED aunt steals my baby because she claims she should have time with him.'

'ENTITLED aunt steals my baby because she claims she should have time with him.'

"ENTITLED aunt steals my baby because she claims she should have time with him."


Oh boy, this story is a wild ride, so buckle up. So, I’m 28, and for a while, I thought I was building my dream life. Met this guy, Jason, about three years ago, and everything seemed perfect—until it wasn’t.

We got serious fast, but I found out the hard way that Jason had about the same maturity level as a 15-year-old with a grudge. And I should’ve seen the red flags. I really should’ve.

But you know how it is when you’re in love and young. Anyway, before we even knew I was pregnant, Jason dipped. Yep, full-on ghosted me, left the relationship, and went radio silent.

So, here I am, 28, single, pregnant, and realizing I’m about to be doing this whole motherhood thing alone. Jason didn’t even know I was pregnant when he left, and when I did try to tell him later, he wanted nothing to do with it. Like, just completely wrote us off.

Honestly, fine—no use crying over someone that checked out before things even got real. But his sister, Sarah, started acting like this pregnancy was the most important thing in her life. This woman went all in.

Let me tell you about Sarah. She’s Jason’s older sister, and while I thought she was harmlessly quirky when we first met, I now realize she’s a whole other level of crazy. Sarah had been on this “spiritual journey” for years, and she’s got these… ideas.

Like, she’s into every fringe belief under the sun. For a while, she was convinced she could “psychically predict” the weather better than meteorologists, and she would cancel family events based on her “vibrations” and “bad energies.” I know. That Sarah.

Well, as soon as she found out I was pregnant, she decided it was her spiritual duty to “be there” for me and Charlie, even though Jason was out of the picture. At first, it was nice—she offered to drive me to doctor’s appointments, brought me food, all that.

But then she started showing up all the time. She’d drop by unannounced, leave notes on my door if I wasn’t home, even bring crystals and incense to “cleanse the energy” in Charlie’s nursery. I thought, Okay, maybe she’s just excited to be an aunt? But it got weirder.

When Charlie was born, she was *obsessed*. She’d make all these strange comments about how “Charlie was the baby she’d been waiting for.” She’d say things like, “He’s *special,* you know? Not like other babies. I have a connection to him.”

Which, yeah, sounds cute in theory, but she’d say it while she was staring at him like she was in a trance. And whenever I’d put Charlie down, she’d go on about how she could “feel his aura calling to her.”

The last straw came last week, and honestly, it still gives me chills. So, it’s late at night—like, midnight or later—and I’m finally finishing up some work. I go to check on Charlie, and there she is—in my house. I just about scream.

I ask her what the heck she’s doing, and she says, “Oh, I thought you could use some rest. I’ll just take Charlie home with me for the night. He should be with someone who understands him.”

And when I tell her no, she just stares at me with this intense look and goes, “You’re just being selfish. You don’t get it. He needs to be with family, with people who know him better.”

I realized then that she was serious. She fully intended to take Charlie. I had to physically stand in her way, push her out, and when I told her to hand over my spare key, she just started wailing, saying I was keeping Charlie from his “real family.” Like, Sarah—are you forgetting that your brother literally wanted nothing to do with us?

I eventually had to call the police just to get her to leave. They gave her a warning, but now she’s blowing up my phone with all these guilt-tripping messages about how I’m “breaking up the family” and “hurting Charlie’s future.” I’m not even sure how she thinks this makes sense, but here we are.

So, seriously… am I the jerk for cutting her off completely? Because I am about two steps away from filing a restraining order, packing up, and moving to another state just to keep Sarah out of our lives.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


File the RO. She's unhinged and she probably won't stop. Change your locks, don't trust that she hasn't made a copy. Get cameras and have some type of self defense available to you. You may want to consider moving if that's possible.


Wow! Girl, that is some weird Aunt vibes. I get it, I'm the crazy Aunt that believes in spiritual things - this is NOT that. Change your locks first and foremost. Make sure that anyone who cares for your son knows that she is no longer allowed access to him under any circumstances. Do what you need to do to protect yourself and your son. Sending love and hugs.


You should consider sleeping in the same room as your baby, if you don’t already, and install some very loud motion sensor alarms on every possible entrance to your home.


Absolutely get the police involved. Document everything. This isn’t over.


You need to keep that woman far away at least until she gets some help. there is something clearly switched in her and it could be because she’s wanted a child herself for so long but you need to protect your son.


NTJ. How does the rest of his family act around you and Charlie? Watch for her in public and do not leave Charlie in a shopping cart with your back turned. Strongly suggest that you call a locksmith. I don't trust that was her only key. Block her and anybody that puts their stupid $0.02 in on her behalf. Get a ring camera, wedge alarms and window locks. She's lucky you didn't have a weapon.


NTJ This women is unhinged and mentally disturbed. The fact that she said “he needs to be with family and people who understand him.” I’m sorry but she’s his MOTHER he was in her womb I’m sure she understands him better than you.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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