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Mom takes newborn to grandparents' after husband let homeless brother in house. AITA?

Mom takes newborn to grandparents' after husband let homeless brother in house. AITA?


Not all surprises are good surprises. And a bad surprise, can be really bad, for everyone involved.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for going back to her parents' house after her husband let his homeless brother in the house. She wrote:

"AITA for turning around and going back to my parents with my baby when I got home because my husband let his homeless brother move in and everyone had lice."

I recently went to see my parents with my newborn. It was just for the long weekend so my husband stayed home with our three older children. 7/5/3. My husband called me when I was out of town to let me know his brother needed a place to crash. I said that he should give him a ride to a shelter or something because it was a bad idea to let his brother in our home. He has stolen from us before.

When I got home there were five very itchy people in the house. I immediately got back in my car and went to my parents' house. My husband was calling me the whole time because he needed help dealing with the lice. I didn't call him back until the baby was settled back in at my folk's place. I told him the pharmacy had the shampoo and comb for lice.

He said he needed me to come home and take care of it. I noped. I said that he let his brother in our home against my wishes. His brother gave them all lice. I also reminded him that when our oldest got lice from kindergarten he didn't help me at all. I hate lice. They freak me out. I dealt with it because I had to. This time it's on him.

He said that he would have to use up his sick days to take care of this. I said tough s#$t. He did it. He took his brother to a shelter, he deloused himself and the kids, and then he spent three days cleaning all the bedding and the furniture. He called me every day begging for help.

I did not come home until his mother confirmed that everything was done. He is pissed that I stuck him with all that by himself. I know I should have helped but it was too much. I'm still not 100% from the baby. It was just too much.

People had a lot to say about this whole situation.

runsandbreakfast wrote:

NTA. You didn’t “stick him” with anything. He stuck it to himself by bringing someone who’s violated your trust into the house against your, and probably his, better judgment. Hopefully, he’ll learn something from it.

disregardable wrote:

It was literally your only choice. if you took care of it, his brother would still be living there. he has no business blaming you for his own decisions. You are 100% NTA and don't let him try that s#$t with you.

Ornery-Wasabi-473 wrote:


He decided to invite his brother after you said no due to previous problems with him...but he expected you to handle the delousing aftermath for him?!? Oh, I don't think so!

fallingintopolkadots wrote:

NTA. He made his bed with his bad decision, and now he has to wash that bed (and all of the linens and clothes, and everything) before he can sleep in it. Didn't need you and newborn to get lice, too.

RefrigeratorFun4676 wrote:

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. NTA at all. He asked, you said no, he did it anyway. Hope he learned a valuable lesson.

Clearly, OP is NTA - she's simply letting other deal with the consequences of their own actions.

Sources: Reddit
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