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Daughter upset dad bought better tickets to show for his wife; is told to 'f' grow up.'

Daughter upset dad bought better tickets to show for his wife; is told to 'f' grow up.'


'AITA for telling my dad his 'gift' wasn't a gift?'

My bf and I were having dinner with my dad and his wife a few months ago and they mentioned that they had gotten tickets to Cirque du Soleil. I told him that my bf and I would love to go see it, it looked really cool. A few days later he excitedly told me he had gotten us tickets for the same night and he sent them to me via email.

He mentioned that the tickets weren't together because he bought them at separate times, but he figured we could drive together. I figured no big deal, it's a date anyways.

Last night we had dinner with him and his wife and over conversation I found out that the tickets he gave me were his and his wife's tickets, and they had upgraded to the VIP experience, which involves special seating and special bathrooms and concessions and free alcohol.

I got a bit upset and told my dad it didn't sound like he did this for me, but because his wife wanted an upgrade and they just threw me the scraps, and that wasn't a gift. He told me I didn't have to go if that's how I felt and that I was being spoiled, and his wife told me I need to 'f***ing grow up'.

He is ALWAYS going out and doing extravagant things with his wife, and i know they could have afforded to get us the upgraded passes too, but of course, only his wife gets the red carpet. AITA?

From the comments:

CourtBarton asks:

INFO: What are the ages at play here? Cause this is a very immature response.

TAleftout123 OP responded:

I'm 22, my bf is 28, my dad is 45, his wife is like, 30 something.

Primary-Risk-9298 asks:

INFO: does he usually favor and treat his wife better than he treats you and if so, do you have resentment because of it?

TAleftout123 OP responded:

Yes. He is always taking her on fancy extravagant dates and on trips.

We grew up poor. He didn't have any money until after he married her, and he acts like it's all for him now.

sunflowerads asks:

INFO: why do you think its your dads job to roll out the red carpet for you and not your boyfriends? you're not 6 years old anymore and you are not his wife.

TAleftout123 OP responded:

My dad always had sh*t jobs when I was growing up and we never had extra money. Then he meets and marries his wife and goes to college and gets a better job and comes up in the world and he spoils her and I get nothing.

123shelp asks:

INFO: is your dad helping you pay for school?

TAleftout123 OP responded:

Him and my mom set up a college fund for me that is paying for it.

smbpy7 asks:

And your rent?

TAleftout123 OP responded:

My college saving funds pays for it.

123shelp writes:

Jesus. You never get anything? HES PAYING FOR YOUR EDUCATION. Plus giving you free tickets to s**t. You are incredibly immature for your age

TAleftout123 OP responded:

It's not like it's out of his pocket. It is money that was meant for me years ago.

TeachMeToReadGood asks:

... where do you think the money came from?

TAleftout123 OP responded:

My mom and grandparents also contributed, and it was invested so it's worth more than was put in

Bitter-Conflict-4089 asks:

Maybe your boyfriend should take you on nice dates?

TAleftout123 OP responded:

We are both in college and don't have much $ because of it.

Unusual_Road_9142 asks:

…. He’s in college at 28? Clearly he has some form of income for housing and food etc.

TAleftout123 OP responded:

Yeah, student loans that he got himself

Primary-Risk-9298 asks:

INFO: does he usually favor and treat his wife better than he treats you and if so, do you have resentment because of it?

TAleftout123 OP responded:

Yes. He is always taking her on fancy extravagant dates and on trips.

We grew up poor. He didn't have any money until after he married her, and he acts like it's all for him now.

Primary-Risk-9298 asks:

Wait. Did he get money all of a sudden when he got married, i.e. is his wife rich?

TAleftout123 OP responded:

His wife inherited a house before they met, so he stopped paying rent when we moved in and he went back to school and they got married after he finished, then she quit working and he supports her.

Sources: Reddit
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