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Teen angry parents are storing sister's things in basement, dad offers to pay him 'rent.'

Teen angry parents are storing sister's things in basement, dad offers to pay him 'rent.'


Most people crave their own space where they can unwind, whether it's in the context of a shared family house, a roommate situation, or even a home with a partner.

But there's a big difference between wanting your own little slice of peace, and demanding a large portion of a home for yourself.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a teen asked if he was wrong for lashing out about his sister's stuff being in the basement.

He wrote:

AITA for not accepting my dad's bribe?

About four weeks ago, my (M17) older sister, Sarah (F21), had to empty out her apartment and move all her things back home. Her rent had increased a lot, and her landlord was slow in making repairs. Our parents (M53 and F52) offered to store most of her belongings in our basement until she finds a new place to live in for when she starts school again in the Fall.

Our house's basement has kinda been my personal space where I usually hang out with my friends or play video games. However, with Sarah's things are taking up nearly all the space, and there is no longer any space for me and my buddies. I understand she's in a tough spot, but I am becoming more annoyed with this.

Yesterday evening, I sat down with my dad and told him that I needed some space in the basement. My dad listened and said that he acknowledged my situation. He said that he understood the inconvenience, but kept mentioning that Sarah was in a tough spot and that the arrangement was temporary. When I pointed its been four weeks, he again asked for my patience.

When I tried to continue the conversation, my dad interrupted me. He suggested that he could pay me 'rent for the basement' and allow Sarah's belongings to stay there. He started pulling out his wallet and everything. I was annoyed by this, as I thought he was being dismissive and I refused his offer.

My dad was pretty surprised by this, and rescinded his offer and apologized for 'not fully listening to me.' He then said that he was serious about paying me for the remaining time that the basement was being occupied, but I yelled at him saying that he had completely missed what I was telling him.

He got frustrated and said that I needed to be more empathetic. When I tried to speak up again, he told me that there was no longer anything to discuss. AITA?

UPDATE - For those wondering, yeah, I've got my own room. But it isn't nearly as spacious as the basement. Anyway, I mentioned my irritation with the situation to my mom this evening (as I don't think my Dad will be receptive to it anymore), and she thinks that I'M being unfair.

She said while she does understand that I'm upset, this was the only tenable solution and that I had to be more accommodating (and how I have other options for space). She even said that 'right now Sarah's need for that space trumps yours.' I wanted to press the issue further, but my mom started giving me her 'you're in trouble if you keep talking' face, so I decided to drop it.

I understand that Sarah's in a tough spot, but I can't help but feel that I'm being overlooked and ignored by my parents.

OP was quickly given a harsh reality check by the internet.

CrabClaws-BackFinOMy wrote:

YTA - It's not your house. It's not your basement. It's your parents'. They can let your sister use 100% of it if they want and kick you out of it completely. It's ridiculous that your dad even offered to pay you a single dime for letting her use it. Stop acting like an entitled, spoiled brat. Your sister needs a temporary place to store her stuff. Find another place to game or hang out with your friends for a few weeks or months.

aeroeagleAC wrote:

YTA, you are lucky he even offered you compensation for not being able to access a room that he owns. I would have told you tough luck. Stop acting so entitled and realize the world doesn't revolve around your wants.

M1ssmessy wrote:

YTA. 100% my guy. You don’t have to pay rent, you have no idea how the real world works and it’s obvious. I’m 20 and still living with my parents because rent is f@#$ing tough. However, if one of my siblings needed to store their stuff in my personal room - no matter how much I hated it - I’d let them and we’d work it out. This isn’t even YOUR ROOM, it’s the basement.

You don’t pay rent bud, it’s not your house. Your father is an incredible man for being so patient. This isn’t your house. You and your buddies can find a new place, figure it out. Show some love towards your sister. She’s your damn sister. You should be ashamed. YTA 100%.

LewisShmee wrote:

YTA. Your sister is in a tough spot, it’s only been a month, I’m sure you can make do in your bedroom for as long as she needs.

MrChaddious wrote:

LOL. YTA it’s your parents' house you should be thankful they even let you use the basement as your own space. The fact that your dad offered you money to stop your complaining which is ridiculous and you had the audacity to yell at him shows what a spoiled brat they raised.

You should be ashamed of yourself and apologize while your parents should start storing their own things in the basement taking the space away from you as punishment for being such an ungrateful brat.

Clearly, OP is a giant entitled AH who needs a serious wakeup call.

Sources: Reddit
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