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Wife skips father-in-law's funeral because husband got first class plane seat.

Wife skips father-in-law's funeral because husband got first class plane seat.


AITA for missing my FIL's funeral after my MIL booked my husband first class but me ecconomy?

Me F31 and my MIL don't have a close relstionship. She's civil towards me but can be a bit passive aggressive at times, and we tend to disagree often. We live in different states.

My FIL passed away suddenly, and my MIL told me and my husband to come attend the funeral. She booked and paid for our plane tickets. But the issue started at the airport, when my husband told me that we couldn't sit together in the plane because his mom had booked him a first class ticket while I got ecconomy.

I was flabbergasted by this. I tried asking him why but he urged me to 'suck it up, and we'll talk about it later'. In that moment, that particular moment I felt so much humiliation and contempt. I felt like she was treating me as less than, even in her hard times.

I decided to not go and just go back home. My husband was shocked by my decision to go home and tried to convince me to just go but I declined.

He went alone and I ended up missing the funeral. He was livid just calling me and texting nasty things about being petty and spoiled. He said that I should be grateful his mom paid for my ticket to begin with, and then said that she doesn't OWE me a Goddamn thing.

I argued about how she could've just booked us both in economy if money was an issue, but he called me pathetic for thinking about it when his dad just died. He said it was cruel what I did and that his mom and family will never forget that I missed the funeral over this ridiculous reason.

AITA for going home over this?

ETA. One of the reasons I didn't settle for the ecconomy ticket was because I wanted to sit next to my husband and support him. He sobbed the whole ride to the airport ,and I didn't want to leave his side. I was shocked when he told me we couldn't sit together, and how he said it like he had no issue for him.


No_Army_2072 says:

ESH. I mean, for f* sake, how petty a MIL needs to be to do this when she just became a widow? It's not the time to play games. But you should have supported your husband, because he is grieving and could use your support. You can pick a fight with your MIL later.

Reichiroo says:

Sorry, YTA. It was a weird hill to die on at the worst possible time. Your MIL is grieving, your husband is grieving... whether she was being shitty or not about the tickets, the moment wasn't about you. It was his dad that died and his mom paying for the trip.

Maybe she wanted her son to have a nicer seat while contemplating that HIS DAD DIED. Who knows and at that moment, who cares. You could have upgraded instead of punishing your husband for something he wasn't in control of.

NJtoOx says:

I’m gonna go with NTA because if your husband truly believed it wasn’t a big deal or even saw that what his mom did was fucked up he would have switched with you and let you sit in first class and him in economy or asked for his seat to be switched to sit with you.

nerdyaccountant1 says:

YTA. You wanted to sit next to him and support him. So instead of going with the ticket you did not pay for and still supporting him, you threw a tantrum and didn’t support him at all by staying home

nagi_yukio says:

I really hope I don’t marry someone as unsupportive as you someday. Your husband father died, your father in law, your MIL went out of her way to pay for your ticket even though you are not in good terms and you managed to make it all about yourself just because you did not get a 1st class ticket?

Sources: Reddit
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