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Woman's younger sister moves in and does husband's laundry; she's furious.

Woman's younger sister moves in and does husband's laundry; she's furious.


'AITA for berating my sister for doing my husband's laundry?'

My f31 sister f23, moved in with me and my husband m29 a week ago. She does not contribute money, but takes on lots of house chores as a way to compensate for it. She'd cook, clean, organize, vacuum..etc.

Yesterday, I was at work and came home and found that she'd done my husband's laundry. I was stunned as I felt this was...not her place nor was it appropriate because for one I always do his laundry and more importantly, I did not think it was appropriate for her to be looking at his under wear.

She downplayed the whole thing saying it was no big deal and that she saw that I was struggling with work and then kids and wanted to help me by doing the laundry. I told her she shouldn't have done it, but my husband didn't react and she used that to support her argument saying no one thinks it's a big deal except me.

We argued and she shut me down then started crying saying she meant well and was trying to help out. But I couldn't help but think this was not her place.

My husband told me to drop it but I can't shake this weird feeling I got. He told me I should apologize to her for berating her but I refused.


Usrname52 says:

YTA. It seems really possessive to say 'I always do HIS laundry.' First of all, why is he never doing it, second of all, why are you so possessive of his laundry? Would you have had issue if she did the kids' laundry?

procrastinating_b says:

Seeing a man’s underwear has never made me want to f**k them lol

UnderwhelmingZebra says:

I live in the UK and when guests come over my undies are literally hanging on a rack in our sitting room. It's just not a concern.

summerscruel says:

Not on her side at all, but maybe she feels like sister is trying to replace her with all the stuff she does and the laundry is like, the one thing the OP had left that was her chore, or 'duty' as a wife. I think OP needs to look at why this made her so upset, because it's not really about the underwear.

HootblackDesiato says:

Take a deep breath.

My wife is a part-time nanny. Even though her job description does not include doing the family's laundry, sometimes she does it as a way of keeping busy. That includes the husband's underwear. Big deal: it's just clothes. Repeat as necessary: it's just clothes.

You should be thankful that your guest is trying to compensate for your generosity by doing chores rather than being a lazy slouch and doing nothing. YTA and you really should apologize.

HootblackDesiato says:

Yeah, maybe the underwear is a proxy for something more fundamental. But all the comments should lead to some self-reflection, I'd think.

CrystalQueen3000 says:

YTA. You blew that way out of proportion. She’s a houseguest and tried to do a nice thing by picking up a chore. I doubt she realised how territorial you’d be over laundry because that’s unusual.

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