I have a brother and I am 15 years older than he is. Our parents died when I was 21 and I took in my brother. The only proper thing my parents did was invest in real estate and left behind a will that left me and my brother half. However, I am the trustee of my brother's half until he is 35. My brother married at 22. He's 25 now. I don't like his wife.
She's self-centered, a b!tch, nasty and can't be nice. But my brother is in love with her. They are very open about never having children, which both saddens and relieves me at the same time. My brother also has some health issues as well.
Whenever my brother needed money and he did not have it (he works as a machinist) , he would have to ask me. I run his half of the inheritance. I sold all the real estate my parents owned and made a ton of money. I am very strict with what I approve, much to my brother's anger. I tell him I might his brother, but I am also the bank and banks just don't give money out.
For example, he wanted to buy his wife a $25,000 necklace and I refused. $25,000 is a drop in the bucket, but that money isn't going to wasted on stuff like that. Recently, he wanted to buy a nice house and asked for money. I told him that it was probably the smartest thing he's ever asked money for. It's a nice house and a good investment. It will give my brother a good project to work on.
I said I would, but only if the house deed is in the name of the trust. He asked why. I told him because I didn't want his wife getting it if something should happen. He started up with his whole "it's my money" rant and I told him it is, but I control it for another 10 years.
His wife ended up calling me (I haven't spoken to her in years). She tried making the issue of the house as something for my brother. I told her that the trust is between me and my brother and it's none of her business. She has no claim to it. She asked what did she do to me that made me "hate" her. I said I didn't hate her, I just want to make sure she doesn't get any of the trust money.
The idea of my brother getting ill and dying and all that money going to her makes me sick to my stomach. He lost both parents when he was 7, had health issues and has a massive trust. I am just doing everything I can legally do watch out for his best interests. I have not heard from them in 2 weeks.
EDIT: I forgot to mention this, but his wife encouraged him to get a lawyer to wrestle control of his half away from me. But even he didn't want to do that because he knows the trust is iron-clad and all Hell would break loose.
EDIT: For people saying it's his money. It is NOT his money. It doesn't become his until 2030.
EDIT: For people wondering why he has to be 35. That was decided by the courts, not me.
EDIT: About the necklace. My brother called me and asked me to wire him 25K. I asked him for what. He and his wife randomly took a trip to LA and were at Cartier of Beverly Hills. He wanted to buy a "couture" necklace for his wife. I told him no.
EDIT: My brother does get a monthly allowance. That allowance includes his rent and medical insurance/costs. He has those bills sent to me and I either pay them or I don't. Anything to do with his wife, I won't pay.
EDIT: My brother has cystic fibrosis.
[deleted] said:
YTA. So, you've beocme the controlling parent now. I suppose as executor of the estate you have that right, but the cost seems high.
nom-d-pixel said:
YTA. He is an adult, and adults get to make decisions that other people disapprove of. You are using the money to control him, and from the way you talk, I suspect the reason you don’t like his wife is that she stands up to you.
If you give a damn about your brother’s long-term financial health, set him up with a financial advisor who specializes in helping people lay out budgets and plan for the future. The way you are going now, the second he gets control of the trust , he will burn through the money and cut off all contact with you until he comes begging for yours.
typicalaquarius said:
YTA - there’s a difference between helping him responsibly manage money and being vindictive because you don’t like his wife. It is HIS money ultimately, not yours. If I were in his position, I would want to know that my spouse was taken care of in the event of my death, and not shamelessly evicted and left homeless by my family.
Sure, he doesn’t need to buy 25k necklaces, but having the deed to his home in his own name is completely reasonable.
ih-shah-may-ehl said:
Just remember that in 10 years time, it could be you have no brother anymore.
ik101 said:
NTA. He will be thankful when he’s 35 and there’s still actual money left. He will be able to do whatever he wants with it while being more responsible than now. An inheritance should never go to the daughter or son in law.
Unless the parents specifically told you they wanted that. You can put the money in a house you both live if, but if you were to get divorced the money should go back to the original owner.