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'AITA for embarrassing someone by pretending to be Japanese? She wants an apology.'

'AITA for embarrassing someone by pretending to be Japanese? She wants an apology.'

"AITA for embarrassing someone by 'pretending to be Japanese?'"

Backstory: I (F20) have a Japanese name even though I am not ethnically Japanese (My mom is Korean & my dad is British). They met and fell in love while studying in Japan, and had me there after marrying. We lived there until I was 14 before moving to the States. This will be important later on.

Today a group of my roommate's friends came over to study with her, and I happened to be in the living room when they arrived. They were introducing themselves to me and when I said my name (I have a pretty common Japanese girl name so it's pretty hard to be mistaken about the origin) and one of the girls made a disgusted face and laughed at me saying that was so dumb.

She said that she was Japanese American and I was "culturally appropriating her country as a white person." I tried to explain that I lived in Japan for a while and that was why but she kept insisting I was lying and that if I was telling the truth I would be able to speak the language.

Since she put it like that I started talking to her in Japanese (Basically explaining where I lived there and asking which prefecture her parents were from, etc). She ends up stuttering through a sentence in an awkward manner before leaving in a huff.

I embarrassed her by "pretending to be more Japanese than an actual Japanese person and appropriating the culture" and her friend expected an apology. My roommate doesn't think I did anything wrong but now I feel like of bad. AITA?

Redditors had plenty of thoughts on this.

itsJ92 wrote:

NTA. You didn’t choose your name, and you were literally born in Japan. That makes you Japanese, you’re not just pretending to be.

I learned today that Japan doesn’t grant citizenship by birth, if we’re being technical. Thanks for the info! But being born in Japan, growing up there, and spending most of her life there is enough to make me think it’s still part of her identity, and it sounds like OP feels that way as well.

PurpleVermont wrote:

NTA. The Japanese American guest was out of line, making rude comments about your name, and accusing you of lying when you told her you'd grown up there. You weren't "pretending" anything. You have a Japanese name because that's the name your parents chose for you, and you speak the language because you grew up there.

TimTam_the_Enchanter wrote:


“As a white person”? If your mother is Korean, you’re biracial.

Hit back by telling everyone you’re expecting an apology from her for ‘disrespecting your biracial identity’ and ‘minimizing the discrimination that people of Korean blood experience in Japan.’ If she wants to play social justice poker show her you’ve got a full house, and make her pay up.

Bathtub__mermaid wrote:

Before getting into anything, let's be clear about something. You don't have a Japanese name bc you lived there for a while. You are Japanese. You were born there, you grew up there.

This girl obviously feels stupid, as she should. You were literally being introduced & she came out of the gate accusing you of cultural appropriation bc of your name. That's so rude & disrespectful & completely unwarranted.

The right thing would be for her to admit she's wrong or at least drop it. Instead, she escalated the situation only for you to prove her wrong yet again. & now she needs an apology? For being offensive? Please do not apologize to this girl. Or be in her presence if you have the choice. NTA, obviously.

Razzle-Pzazzle wrote:

You did not embarrass her in any way. She embarrassed herself. She made an incorrect assumption even after you explained your history and background. You should be expecting the apology. I am confused about what they thought you were appropriating.

Your parents gave you your name, and it's not cultural appropriation to speak a language, especially after she asked you to. Seems like they wanted you to introduce yourself as Ashley, erase the first 14 years of your life, pretend you didn't know Japanese and defeatedly sigh, "you got me." NTA.

OP is definitely NTA here, she just beat the other person at their own game and they couldn't handle it.

Sources: Reddit
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