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'I'm going to divorce my husband after I found out I was 2nd choice.' HUSBAND RESPONDS

'I'm going to divorce my husband after I found out I was 2nd choice.' HUSBAND RESPONDS

"I am going to divorce my husband of 10 years."

My husband and I met when I was 18. It had always been just me and my best friend but when my husband came along we became an inseparable trio. For me it was love at first sight. I had the biggest crush on him but didn't want to ruin the friendship thing we had so I kept it to myself until he confessed to me when we were 20. Things went fast and we got married when we were 22.

My best friend got married too and we have all remained close. We had invited my best friend and her husband around for dinner and we were joking about the things we got up to and my husband brought up how he had always had a crush on my best friend but then she got a boyfriend so he settled for me instead. When I tell you my whole world just came crashing down.

I realised my marriage of 10 years was him settling for second best. That I was never his first option. After that everything he did just started to annoy me he just stopped being attractive to me anymore. We haven't slept together in 6 months because I feel so disgusted. I just want out. I feel like I've wasted my life. I'm disappointed in him and myself for believing I was the one he liked

Here's what people had to say to OP:


Bro that would be awkward af. If I was the Bf husband I’d have to talk to him in private because have you been waiting on my girl this whole time ?

OP responded:

He was very angry but he was very polite about it. I don't even know what I would have done if I was in his shoes


This happened to me. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knew my husband had a crush on his best friend’s wife. Even his best friend knew. It was an open “secret” that was joked about all time time. Since she was married, he married me. But he never let it go. I found them hooking up at one of their bbq’s.

And said:

That's so messed up, I'm so sorry that you're in this situation, at least now you can search for someone who truly treasures you and to whom you're their first option

She later shared this update:

My husband knows about the divorce. I told my best friend and she told my husband. So I come home to a don't leave him intervention where they all wanted to work it out.

I have never been so confused because for the past 6 months I've been trying to ask him what he feels and what he meant by his comment and to answer my questions like literally to the point i have screamed it in his face to just tell me and he's been saying nothing and she has been encouraging me to talk to him but keeping her distance.

I thought it was because she didn't like him. Apparently she just thinks we are perfect together and he doesn't want to lose what we have. What do we have? We are basically room-mates who sleep together at this point. I think I won't update this because I'm a bit miffed and angry. I am going to go stay at my mums or something

Then, she shared this second "major" update:

OK so pretty major update that I said I wouldn't do but I am not a woman of my word and never said I was. Today I got a message from best friend's husband asking where she was and I had no idea because I am at my mother's house. Can we guess where she is? SHE IS AT MY HOUSE WITH MY HUSBAND!

What weird universe am I living in? Anyway yeah so I'm leaving and taking all my stuff with me. My mum will have to put up with me for a while. Divorce is definitely happening. I'm going to get therapy.

Then, her husband found her post, and shared his side of the story:

"I destroyed my marriage with a stupid comment and one night stand."

He wrote:

So I found my wife's post "I'm going to divorce my husband of 10 years". Someone made a video about it and that video got back to me. I would like to tell my side. When I met my wife I didn't really think much of her. She was funny, kind and a good friend but I had no other interest. Her friend (Sarah) was gorgeous. She had long red hair and these soft freckles and long eye lashes.

She was my dream girl but she was not interested in me. I noticed my wife (Amber) was hanging out with me more, laughing at my jokes, listening to me and it made me consider having more of a relationship with her. Sarah got a boyfriend about a year in to us being friends and her interest in our friendship group dwindled.

She hung out with us less and spent more time with her boyfriend which left me and Amber alone a lot. I ended up giving up on Sarah and focusing on Amber we started dating and got married. We kept our friendship with Sarah but we focused on each other. In the back of my mind though it always felt like I had missed out on something.

My marriage was boring. Amber and I were basically friends and I was working hard to save for a house and she was working hard to save for future kids so we were existing alongside each other not actually together. So one day when we were at dinner I got jealous of Sarah and her husband who seemed happy and made the comment about settling for Amber.

Amber shut down after that. She kept repeating the same questions over and over and it would make me so angry that I didn't want to answer. So I didn't. I guess that was my first bad move. Sarah messaged me after the dinner to check if I was ok and we kept messaging me. She was just reassuring me that I did nothing wrong and it would work out.

Then I got a text saying Amber was planning to divorce me. So Sarah came over and we tried to stop her from leaving me but it seemed to only make things worse. Sarah saw how distraught I was and stayed to comfort me and we drank and in a drunk stupid mistake we ended up sleeping together.

Sarah confessed to her husband that we slept together and her husband told Amber. Now both our marriages are ruined. I regret it so much and I just wish I could take it all back.

Here's what people had to say to the husband:


Was your side of the story supposed to make you look better? I am confused lol


So you finally slept with your “dream girl” that you insinuated to your wife you settled for. Surprised your not running off together? Do you even feel bad about making your wife feel second place to this woman?


usually when someone says “i would like to tell my side” it’s because they want to show that they're a complex person who isn't as villainous as someone else tried to portray them……….that is not what this post accomplished. good lord dude.

i’m not sure why you even regret ruining your marriage since you seem to have zero interest in your wife and regard her as a boring backup bride who is more like a friend than lover

Sources: Reddit,Reddit
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