So, when a Reddit user asked employees with younger coworkers, "what was your 'I’m officially old' moment?" people were ready to share the moment that made them question how time works.
They were complaining how hard and awkward it is to meet women on Tinder. I asked if they ever had to call a girl at home and her Dad answered the phone. They were horrified. Another time one of my guys asked what a payphone was. We worked at a phone company. - Zelcron
Went grocery shopping and I thought, "Hey, they're playing some pretty good music." -wocketywack
A coworker and I were talking and they said "say less"
I replied "oh... Okay." And I walked away confused.
I had to google what that meant after. - MaritimeRedditor
Our payroll company went under (luckily not with our money), so for that month, we got real live, honest-to-goodness paper checks. Several co-workers didn't really know what they were or how they could turn them into money. - Ambitious-Eye975
Younger dude said his first gaming console was the PlayStation 4, first computer ran windows 8, and had no idea what we meant by dial up or rotary phones. Had to stop and reevaluate my age lol. - happilystoned42069
Years ago, before I retired, when I met a new young troop and realized I'd been in the military longer than they had been alive... - PirateKilt
When they say “you look great for your age” like DED - lcolbert710
I was talking to a coworker about movies and our favorites. I said something like “I watched that movie so much when I had it on tape in my college years”
Her: Tape?
Me: You know, on VCR?
Her: VCR?
Me: Oh well I guess those are old now. Everything is on DVD now.
Her: DVD?
Me: I guess those are old too. I guess Blu-ray is what’s on disc now.
Her: Disc?
Me: Nevemind
She was half joking but nonetheless it made me feel old. - watabby
Had an intern refer to the 90s as "the late 1900s" wtf. It's true, but it makes my teenage years sound like the oregon trail or something - eusapian
In trade school, we were doing introductions, saying a little bit about ourselves. One kid says "yeah, I'm really into classic cars, I have a 1997 something or another. Me, the other couple older folks, and the instructors all made audible groans of horror. - IndustrialPigmy
They started calling me "mom" or "Mama bear" on the walkie-talkies. I find it kind of endearing, actually. - WhoaThere87
We were talking about where we were on 9/11, and my coworker went quiet. He wasn’t even born. We also had a band that was famous in the 90s stay at the hotel, and he had no idea who they were, meanwhile I was so star struck as they were my entire childhood! - Itsagabby
When I fell down the last couple of steps on a stairway. No one pointed and laughed like I expected, instead they helped me up and asked me if I was okay. That’s when I knew. - day_of_duke
Various colleagues were debating whether the Concorde had been real. They couldn’t fathom that supersonic civilian aircraft used to exist and now they don’t anymore. The Concorde last flew in 2003, when these colleagues were toddlers. - geckos_are_weirdos
Had a co-worker ask me, “Back before cell phones, did you just have to wait around at your house for a call?” Uh, yeah, pretty much. - Status-Effort-9380
I'm a preschool teacher. It's been a TRIP to watch parents go from Soooo much older than me, to the same age as me, and now they're younger than me!?!? - Smart_Alex
When they absolutely love a "new" song and then I tell them it's a re-make of a song from 25 years ago. They almost always try to tell me I'm wrong, until I pull up the evidence and then it's shocked Pikachu face lol. - _sam_fox_
My childhood cat lived to 21.5 so teaching (freshman biology lab, so students were ~18) became very weird when I realized my cat was older than my students - mollusck_magic