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Employee quits job after boss tried to guilt them into working on day off.

Employee quits job after boss tried to guilt them into working on day off.


Another worker has had it with their boss's unreasonable demands and quit their job over text.

Redditor Hoodthor posted an exchange they had with their boss to the subreddit Antiwork. The boss demanded they fill in for a coworker, even though it was their day off and they're a student in the midst of exams.

An employee is only obligated to work on the days on which they are scheduled to work, and this Mark guy tried to guilt his employee into thinking otherwise.

'I am not demanding, but I am extremely disappointed' is straight out of the Disappointed Dad playbook. Mark should have just left it there, but he made a vague threat by saying they'll discuss the 'situation' next week.

Now here's where the employee tells Mark to shove it.

The post got over 45,000 upvotes, and commenters applauded the employee's handling of the situation.

'Good job! You handled this very professionally, more than I can say for the 'manager,'' mooyong77 wrote.

'I wonder if he told Jasper the same thing,' Remarkable_Ad7794 joked.

Best of luck, Jasper. You're going to need it.

Sources: Reddit
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