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Wife's OCD 'forces' her to handle husband's knives in weird way, he's sick of it.

Wife's OCD 'forces' her to handle husband's knives in weird way, he's sick of it.


When this woman is upset at her husband, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for putting my husband's fancy knives through the dishwasher?'

So I (28F) have, on occasion, put my husband's (28M) dirty knives through the dishwasher despite him asking me not to. These knives are extra sharp for cooking, and apparently the dishwasher will blunt them.

I am terrified of knives to the point where if I see them on the work surfaces, I will begin to panic. My husband is aware of this, and I never use these particular knives as I know I'm not allowed to dishwasher them.

I can't face cleaning a knife by hand. If I have to use one, I will use one of my old knives that I put through the dishwasher.

Now. My husband will use his fancy knives and leave them dirty either in the sink or on the worktop.

They can be there for days, and just the thought of them being out terrifies me. I can't face cleaning them by hand so I put them in the dishwasher to get them out of my sight. He is free at any point prior to the wash cycle, to remove and clean them by hand.

He thinks I'm TA for putting them in despite him asking me not to. I think he's TA for leaving out dirty knives despite him being aware of my fear.

We're actually a really good team and barely disagree on anything but this seems to be an obstacle we cannot agree on! I need Internet strangers to tell me who is in the wrong, if anyone. Please and thank you!

Yes I am getting therapy - I get that my behaviour and fear are abnormal. I also have OCD and general anxiety that will be negatively contributing. Also, my husband isn't a dirty gremlin or anything. AITA?

Let's find out.

potatoed writes:


I think your hubby needs to get on board with cleaning them and immediately putting them away. Even a few minutes alone on a counter is bad news now that you both have a baby.

That baby is going to be a toddler much faster than you realize, and knives are a huge hazard.

You definitely need to work on your phobias, but the real issue here is a safety one, and it's most practical that the one using a knife rinses it immediately after use and puts it away in a place unreachable for small hands.

elkristy writes:

100% I have Shun knives and my ex-boyfriend's daughter used one AS A SCREWDRIVER. NTA.

Who the h with actual good knives leaves them dirty for days. Use the knife. Wash the knife. Dry the knife. Put the knife away. Honestly, you having a fear of knives doesn't even factor into this. It's just...gross, frankly.

So, is OP TA? Hard to say....What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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