Who cares if Millennials have endured the gig economy and healthcare crisis and still probably won't even afford to own a home? Let's roast them! So, when a Reddit user asked, 'What will millennials be blamed for in 50 years?' people were ready to predict the future blame games targeted toward people born between 1981 and 1996.
For raising their babies with tablets and internet - SmokingBouquets
Plastic pollution, water shortages, hoarding wealth and real estate inherited from Boomers, automating away jobs - buchashroom
Vape goblins. - biomech36
Making housing unaffordable for them - ChibiNya
Man buns and avocado toast? -Body_of_Christ_II
Being to soft on our kids so they grow up not knowing how to survive in the real world. - DisappointingPanda
Not standing up to the boomers and letting them hold on to control for too long. - Accomp1ishedAnimal
Maybe the collapse of diamond industry, marriage industry, office space industry - code_ninjer
Not doing enough. I feel like, as a millennial, we’re completely nihilistic. - Automatic_RIP
Influencers. - happydayswasgreat
Family vlogging, and in general normalizing opening your entire life up to the internet.- spicygay21
Everything, same as the Boomers are being blamed for everything now - Leeser
Making the next generation spoiled and feel entitled. In addition, creating the tiktok/internet generation. - This_Meaning_4045
Lack of children. - Complete-Walrus-2512
Painting over hardwood trim, cabinets, etc - ButWithDots
Open-concept houses with grey/beige/taupe everything, sharp edges, and vessel sinks. - coffeeblossom
Collapse of digital privacy. - NetoruNakadashi
YouTube and TikTok families. Maybe a rampage of stolen identities because how many parents currently share their children information online. - Repulsive-Ad-3890