I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a few weeks ago and feel like I can now really reflect on all the crazy drama MIL caused during my pregnancy. Buckle up, this is going to be a doozy.
MIL has a son (DH) and a daughter. It is clear she wanted two sons. When we told MIL I was pregnant she told us the baby would be a boy. Apparently a psychic told her that she would have two sons.
Since she had a son and a daughter she is convinced that her first grandchild would be a boy. When we told her we were expecting a girl her response was “well you can try for a boy next time.”
The conversation then moved on to unrelated topics because DH and I didn’t really know how to handle her comment. Although we were discussing other things she kept interrupting and randomly saying “hmm a girl….” in an unapproving tone.
DH and I decided on some boundaries we wanted to put in place for when baby was born. Most of them were pretty standard (eg. Don’t drop by uninvited, don’t come over if sick, don’t kiss the baby).
I also decided I didn’t want visitors at the hospital because the hospital where I was giving birth sends you home after 4 hours if mum and bub are healthy. I wanted to have this time to soak up my newborn and also utilise help from the midwives with breastfeeding.
We sat down with each family member to discuss our boundaries so everyone was on the same page. Everyone took it well except MIL. Surprise, surprise. She wouldn’t even look at DH when he was telling her the boundaries.
When he told her the boundary about the hospital she said “I’ve been waiting 10 years for this and I’m expected to wait?” (I don’t know why she’s been waiting 10 years since DH and I have only been together for 5 years.)
I told her I was not comfortable with visitor so soon after birth and her response was “so I can’t even just come and look through the window?” I said no but I should have said “no MIL, I’m not an animal in a zoo enclosure.” She left the lunch without speaking to me again.
I did not see or speak to MIL again until my baby shower. My MIL arrived 45 minutes late (which she always does). She and SIL walked in together. I started to approach them.
SIL stopped to give me a hug but MIL kept walking. My baby shower was at a restaurant and we had a designated section with two long tables and some booths. MIL sat in another section of the restaurant that wasn’t near our designated seating.
When the food was delivered to our area she had her husband come over and take food back to their table. I was making my way around the room talking to all my friends and family. At some point MIL left.
She did not say a single word to me, no hello, not goodbye, no thanks for lunch. She just came, ate the food I paid for, talked shit about me and left. My mum went over to talk to SIL at the baby shower and while she was at the table asked MIL how she was.
Her response was “I’m upset.” She then told my mum about how she’s been going home from work crying because of me and my rules, how she’s been so distressed, how it’s expected that MILs are at the birth, how she’s been waiting 30 years for this (yep, 30 years now).
My mum politely told her to get over it. We also had some little fill in the blank baby predictions on the tables at the baby shower. MIL made sure to leave hers blank but put her name on it and handed it back in so we would know she didn’t fill it in. She was the only person at the shower who didn’t fill one in.
The day after the baby shower DH and I were going through the presents. There was a card from MIL who usually writes quite long cards. This card just said “good luck.” MIL had asked DH to go over to her house the day after the baby shower to move some furniture for her.
I think it was just her way of showing she still had power over him. Given her behaviour I told DH that I would go over as well to clear the air. DH texted MIL to let her know what time we would be over.
MIL texted back saying that DH was welcome but NO OP is not. She said she had been hysterically crying all morning because of me. DH told her we would not be coming over.
DH decided he would go over to MIL’s house the following weekend to tell her that her behaviour was not acceptable and she needed to apologise. MIL responded with a text that her whole church is praying for a good outcome for MIL and the baby.
This just made me laugh. They’re not praying for me and the baby, just her and the baby. DH went to talk to her and told her that if she didn’t apologise to me for her behaviour at the baby shower then as a family (DH, me and baby) we would be taking space from her.
MIL typically tried to turn it back on me and apparently I should have gone across the restaurant at the baby shower and spoken to her. She then said I’m ungrateful and didn’t thank her for the present she got me.
MIL had early on in the pregnancy given us some baby clothes that she had been collecting for years. She gave them to DH when they had lunch without me. DH corrected her and told her they weren’t presents for me, they were for the baby.
She was angry that I told my best friend I was pregnant before I told her. She said our boundaries were insane and she had never heard anything like them. Although DH and I came up with the boundaries together MIL hasn’t treated DH any different. I didn’t not hear from MIL for the rest of my pregnancy or after the birth.
We had been home from the hospital for a few days when DH received a text from MIL telling him she would be coming over when she wanted to see baby. DH reminded her we didn’t want guests coming over without invitation and MIL responded “I’m not a guest, I’m your mother.”
DH told her she was not allowed in our house because of how she had treated me and told her that she wouldn’t be meeting baby until she has reconciled with me. DH told me he doesn’t think I’ll ever hear from her which is a win in my view. Feels good to get that all out.
For any guys reading this, take note. This is a shining example of how to stand up for and protect your chosen family from a self-serving MIL. It really is that simple. Wife and kids come first and this guy sets the standard.
Notice how OP isn't worrying about the rules. Notice how OP isn't losing sleep nor is she anxious to the point of nausea. Notice how OP isn't feeling ignored or minimised. That's cos her guy is a boss. Congrats OP 💪
So true! We also notice how Babygirl is not ill from being kissed on the lips nor exposed to MIL's toxic germs. Big congrats to OP and her wonderful DH.
You and DH are doing a great job with boundaries. I'm glad he's standing up to Mama Witch. I bet not having her around has made your post partum experience a great deal more pleasant! Congrats on baby.
I previously posted about all the drama my MIL caused during my pregnancy and after the birth of my child. DH and I had decided that MIL would not meet baby until she was willing to speak to me again. A few months passed and MIL still hadn’t reached out to me.
DH and I discussed the possibility of his mum meeting baby and in the spirit of Christmas I agreed even though she was still not talking to me. We organised to meet up at a cafe close to our house (neutral territory because I don’t want her in my home). I only agreed because I already knew that she would end up causing a big drama and not coming to meet baby.
And true to form, an hour before we were meant to meet her MIL called DH and told him she was uncomfortable with me being present and told DH bring baby to see her without me. Apparently the thought of seeing me had made her physically sick for a week.
DH said no and told her she does not call the shots. He told her that she can either meet her grandchild and I would be there or she could not. MIL chose to not meet her grandchild. She is now going around to family and friends crying about how she hasn’t been allowed to meet her grandchild which is only making her look worse in DH’s eyes.
The amount of MILs who think they should have unlimited access to grandbabies while also disrespecting the mother is staggering.
A perfect answer to that if people ask you about it, you can truthfully reply you made plans with her to meet the baby but she refused to come. The truth will win out in the end.
Stop chasing this woman She has made it clear her pride is more important than your family (husband you and daughter) Although your husband can keep contact I suggest no baby pictures or information She has made her choice.
CJL_2 (OP)
I have told DH I do not want him sending her pictures if she can’t even come and see baby.
Blinded by your husband's shiny spine. Love that he stood up for you and your child, even if it meant ticking off his mom. As for your MIL, you are in the right to demand an apology for her actions before she can meet her grandchild.
This is yours and your husband's life and family, and she doesn't get to railroad it by being overly demanding and playing the victim to other family members. Anyone who offers to be the flying monkeys (FMs) on MIL's behalf is also worthy of being subjected to the same boundaries and consequences if they stomp said boundaries.