I take a quick photo of where I park my car in large parking lots. Saves so much time wandering around looking lost! - Jerome_real24
Using a mask in the airplane. Keeps your throat humid and you don't have to smell the farts of other passengers, especially when you use some mint spray or something on your mask. - iitaikoto
I keep my bread in the fridge. I haven't had a bread go bad after I started doing that. - hinkkis
Drying off while standing in the shower/tub. I remember when I first had roommates in college and finding the bathroom soaked and asking how this could happen. They were dumbfounded when I explained that they could just bring the towel with them into the shower after they were done. - yort410
Clip your nails outside in the yard, no stray nails flying around in your bathroom. - Fusionism
Drink water. I know so many people who don’t like the taste of plain water because all they drink is soda & flavored drinks. Water is delicious and if they stopped or cut down on the flavored stuff, maybe they’d be able to appreciate plain water.
(And if you’re trying to up your water intake, I 100% recommend getting a bottle with a straw or sippy spout. My water intake like tripled when I swapped my Nalgene for a Stanley, especially during the workday.) - dry_zooplankton
Keep a physical road atlas in your car at all times & if you don’t know how to read one, start learning asap. Your phone could get stolen/lost or you could be in an area with no cell service (which also applies to the GPS feature in newer cars). - katmio1
Wash your dishes every night before going to bed. My husband taught me this and it’s life changing to wake up to a clean kitchen. - AppropriateAd2063
Add pasta water to your beaten egg, egg yolk and parmesan mix before adding to your carbonara. Do it slowly and whisk the mix well each time then add to the hot pasta off heat and work it through. Seems obvious to me but all my friends say their carbonara is always scrambled egg pasta with bacon bits in it. - Hammy1791
Living by the rule “why put it down when you can put it away.” It keeps my house so. Much. Cleaner. - slegofme
I am shocked at the number of people that don’t put their sheet sets in the matching pillow case for storage until use. It keeps it all together! - 1000thatbeyotch
For household essentials, buy more than you need right away. Example: I have two packs of toilet paper rolls. One is "Now," and I store it in the bathroom. The other is "Later," and I store it in a closet. When Now is empty, I get out Later. Later becomes the new Now, and next time I go shopping, I buy a replacement Later. That way, I very rarely run out of anything - HawaiianShirtsOR
High yield savings account. 4.5-5% interest for your money to just sit there. And doesn't cost a dime. - jawarren1
Do favors for tomorrow you. Car getting low on gas? Do tomorrow you a favor and get it on the way home. It's almost bedtime but there are dishes in the sink? Do them as a favor to your future self.
While you're at it, get tomorrow's clothes together and get your lunch packed when you're not rushed. Tomorrow you will love you for it! And, when today you is enjoying all the things that yesterday you did to make your life easier, remember to thank yourself for doing it. I know it sounds silly, but this really helped motivate me in getting stuff done promptly instead of at the last moment. - psmylie
5 min rule. If it takes less than 5min, do it right when you think about it. Flip laundry, respond to an email you left in the inbox, load dishwasher, change that bulb in the vanity you've been looking at forever etc... - Crono_Magus_Glenn
Keep a camping chair in your trunk. You never know when an opportunity for a good sit might arise. - DeadFloydWilson
Put a permanent grocery list in your cell phone's notes field. Things you buy often, but not every single time. Things you need to have in stock, but don't always remember. If you think you might have forgotten something, check it. - [deleted]
Rolling an orange before peeling. Roll it between your hands or on a table and it’s much easier to peel. - okfine321