So, when a Reddit user asked, "For those that don’t want any kids in the future, why?" child-free people everywhere were ready to share their reasoning.
Kids are annoying. I don't have the patience. I also have lots of issues. I would probably snap and be abusive in some way unfortunately. I'm better off without kids... - SirGanjaSpliffington
I don't want kids. Simple. It's like asking me why I don't want to get a horse or a stamp collection. It just isn't on my want list. - Marybone
To name a few factors: Stress, anxiety, finances, time management, health concerns of child, climate change, politics, educational system quality, retirement, global population. - lin_baba
I feel like you need to explain to me why I would want kids? There’s nothing positive in my mind about it. you lose your time, your money, your personal space, and your freedom. - cornbreadcasserole
I'd rather regret NOT having a kid than regret having a kid. - gravely-train
They’re really expensive and needy and I don’t understand their math homework. I’m not really sure how to break the news to them though. - _shlbsversion
That question alone is pretty often here, and IMHO it's a bit loaded already. Not having kids should be the default, and you should have reasons for having kids, not the other way around. - Stummi
Broadly gestures towards the world - DZLars
I don't want to pass on my terrible genetics and generational trauma to anyone else - Narutophanfan1
I like only having to take care of myself. - iFattyMcButterPants
Because I like peace, quiet, cleanliness, free time, and last but not least.. money - JoeBonus
Just not something I have ever wanted. Believe it or not, there are just some people out there who don't have a parental instinct. - LucyVialli
1). I spent pretty much my entire childhood helping to raise my seven younger siblings. I'm, frankly, all mothered out.
2). I don't think I'd be a good mother. And in order to find out if I am wrong, I have to open Pandora's Box. If I open the box and am wrong, a child suffers for my choice.
3). I really, really, really don't want to have children. Nor do I feel that the current world I live in-and the future one-is one I want to bring children into. - EgyptianDevil78
Personally not interested in the stress, responsibility and dedication it takes to look after babies, toddlers and kids.
If I ever do have kids I’ll look after them but right now and probably for a long time, I don’t see myself wanting to be around kids when coming home after a long day then deal with a screaming baby (Ofc not all the time) which needs attention the entire time I’m home. - Dependent_Noise_6249
I don’t have a reason to have kids. - ogii
I don't want to worry about a kid for the rest of my life. I could never truly relax again. I just don't feel like being a parent and watching over a child. - detective_kiara