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Dad breaks the news to his son; 'I'm giving the family business to your sister.' AITA?

Dad breaks the news to his son; 'I'm giving the family business to your sister.' AITA?


When this man is upset with his son, he asks Reddit:

"AITA for telling my son he will not be taking over the family business and it is going to my daughter?"

I have two kids my oldest son and my daughter. They are 25 and 21. We have a family business that works on farm equipment and it is a very good business. Most farmers if something break can usually fix it but when they call us they will pay a lot so they don’t have to buy another half million tractor.

Anyways I have been telling my kids since they were young that if they want to take over the business that they have to get a business degree and work a lot with me to learn everything. Basically they have to put in the work.

When they were both teenagers I took them on jobs so they would understand the job. My son made it very clear he didn’t want the job and went to college for sociology.

My daughter on the other hand threw herself into the business. She is about to graduate with a business and robotics majors. She also decided to stay at home during college and she has been working with me in her free time. The only issue with my daughter is that she has trouble lifting things but that what strength training is for.

So now is the problem my son gave me a call, he moved away for a job after graduation and he told me he wants to take over the business. I told him no and it’s going to his sister.

This started a huge argument and he called me a jerk. He contacted some of my older relatives and they are mad at me also. I’m not splitting the business it causes way to many problems.

Let's see what readers thought.

queenebee writes:

NTA. Your son walked away from the responsibilities of what your company needs to continue to exist, while your daughter dedicated herself to the company's continued success.

Not only should he not take over the company, but he shouldn't be involved in it in any way. He has nothing he could contribute to it, and would only use its assets. I have worked for too many companies that the parents made successful, only for entitled descendants to suck away the profits without doing any work.

okconovo0 writes:

NTA. Sounds like sons plans kinda blew up on him, and he was counting on the family business as his fall back plan. Your daughter earned her place in the business - son did not. He needs to learn from his mistakes and move on.

doctorallawstudent writes:

NTA. You laid down the conditions for taking over the business and your son chose another path, which is fine. He cannot come back now, years later, and decide that he now wants the business after your daughter has put in all the time and effort to learn it. It is just not fair to her.

Does your son plan on going back for his business degree or something applicable for a farm equipment business? You were very clear to them as young adults and their choices have consequences.

'You owe it to your daughter to give her the business. Maybe your son can still work there, but your daughter is the boss. He can either accept that or go work somewhere else.

Looks like OP is NTA. Thoughts?

Sources: Reddit
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